56 big news part 2

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They made it to his parents house

Lucas - my mom is going to love this

Riley smiles

Riley - yeah she is 

Kissing her

Lucas - speaking of our babies is there some part of you're family that we can tell about the babies beautiful

Riley looks at him

Riley - we can tell my Aunt Morgan my dad's sister

She kisses him sweetly and softly

Lucas - she wouldn't react like my Aunt did would she

She held his hand in hers

Riley - No she won't friar

Walking into the house

Lucas - mom dad you home

They hear laughing

Daisy - get out of here I'm not telling you go

Nugging Chris out of the kitchen

Chris - tomorrow is my birthday and I don't get to know what is planned for it I know it's something come on darling at least a hint

Daisy looks at her husband

Daisy - go please and thank you 

He looks at her

Chris - I love you

Kissing him

Daisy - and I love you but I'm not talking Mr. Friar 

Riley and Lucas made it to the kitchen

Riley and Lucas - hi

They turn around 

Chris and Daisy - hey kids

Hugging them 

Riley  and Lucas - hi we have big news to share with you

Looking at each other

Chris and Daisy - what is it kids

They had the sonogram

Riley and Lucas - we found out the gender of the baby and found out more

Daisy is ready to find out

Daisy - so boy girl tell me everything

She was over the moon with wanting to know

Chris - down it's OK

Giving them the sonogram they look at it

Chris and Daisy - is that two babies

Daisy looks at her son so excited

Riley  and Lucas - yes yes there is and they are girls

Daisy is melting in happiness

Daisy - oh yes yes yes I get to grandbabies yes yes yes yes

She melts and gushes into the floor

Chris - darling


Daisy - I'm so happy

She gushes  over and over

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now