40 the little cowboy

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Daisy on the couch

Daisy - the little cowboy

Lucas looks at his mom

Lucas - mom No

Riley looks at Daisy

Riley - the little cow boy

He hides his face

Daisy - yes the little cow boy 

Lucas looks away

Riley - tell me about him

Lucas really didn't want this

Lucas - please stop this now

Or not

Daisy - sure honey

Riley smiles again

Riley - I'm ready

Daisy was too

Daisy - luke was 4 when he came to me and said momma I'm going to be a cowboy one and save lives and the world all around me

Lucas wouldn't look up

Daisy - and got an outfit to match and run all around  saying I am going to save the world and I still have the picture I'll get it

That got Lucas' attention

Lucas - what mom you said you lost that picture 

Daisy looks at her son 

Daisy - I didn't

Daisy gets the picture 

Lucas - beautiful make my mom stop

Riley kisses him

Riley - baby it's not embarrassing it's actually really cute and sweet 

He kisses her

Lucas - yes it's embarrassing believe me we are getting there 

Daisy came back with the picture 

Daisy - got it

Daisy put the picture on the table  there the little 4 year old Lucas Friar was cowboy boots and all

Riley - aww friar you are so adorable and I'm keeping this

Looking at her 

Lucas - No

She nods her head yes 

Riley - yes it's cute and I love it 

Daisy smiles 

Daisy - keep it I got copies of it and back to the story 

Lucas looks at his family 

Lucas - ugh

Daisy shakes her head 

Daisy - he wore the outfit all the time until one day at school he was saving the world and hops a fence got stuck on the fence and trying to get out of it the back to the outfit ripped and

Lucas goans

Lucas - mom

Riley looks at Lucas 

Riley - and

Riley wanted to know

Lucas - why is this happening to me 

He had to say it

Lucas - my underwear OK everybody could see my underwear and they wouldn't leave me alone about it and it took weeks to get over it and it was so embarrassing and one of the worse stories about me and I don't want to talk about anymore or ever again

Riley gave him a sad smile

Riley - it's OK it's OK it's the past now

Hiding his face again

Lucas - No more stories about me please and thank you

This was a story he never really got over in his life he just chose to forget it

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now