54 girls

100 15 22

Doctor Davis looks at them

Doctor Davis - Riley how are you today

Riley smiles

Riley - I'm great my ankles are hugh morning sickness was a nightmare craving I really love a lot and we are really excited to know if we have a boy or a girl

Doctor Davis smiles at them

Doctor Davis - any ideas on if it's a boy or a girl

Smiling at each other 

Riley - I think it's a boy

Lucas kisses her forehead

Lucas - beautiful I'm telling you it's a girl

Riley looks at him

Riley - we shall see friar we shall see

Lucas laughs a little bit

Doctor Davis - let's see what you are having 

They smile

Riley and Lucas - let's see 

Riley lays down lifts up her shirt and doctor davis put the jel on her stomach 

Doctor Davis - it's a little cold

Riley nods as they wait to see their baby

Doctor Davis - here we go there she is

Looking at each other

Riley - she it's a girl

Doctor Davis nods her head yes

Lucas - beautiful I told you

Riley kisses him

Riley - yeah you did

Doctor Davis looks again

Doctor Davis - she's she's healthy and oh hello she's got a twin sister with  her

Looking at each other again

Riley and Lucas - twin girls

Doctor Davis looks at them 

Doctor Davis - yes congratulations Riley and Lucas you two are going to be great parents to your girls

She knew it

Riley and Lucas - thank you

Cleaning the gel off

Doctor Davis - you're welcome 

Now it's time to tell Mama Daisy

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now