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2 months after meeting Lucas' mother when they weren't on campus they were together at his place but some people were still convince that Riley and Lucas were more then just Professor and Student and tried to prove it rumors still going about them but can't be proven

Riley - Lucas baby help me zip up or we don't have to go yeah let's not go

Today Lucas was meeting Riley's parents and tomorrow Riley was meeting Lucas' dad and his best friends

Lucas - Riley I gotta meet your parents some time

Her eyes held fear

Riley - I know but my dad the video and I've barely spoken to them since the video and I love you but not ready and to people who saw the video which it went every where think I'm with your brother because that was the plan 

Held her face in his hands

Lucas - you do


Riley - what

He kisses her

Lucas - I love you too

Riley didn't realize she said it

Riley - I didn't want to tell you I love you like that it was supposed to be special and romantic 

Lucas smiles at her

Lucas - this is special  and we have time before we leave

She smiles 

Riley - what will we do I wonder

He kisses her she kisses him back

Lucas - I have some ideas 

Riley didn't know about Lucas meeting her parents right now and she left out one thing and that is that her parents don't know Lucas is coming 

Riley - I love your ideas 

To be continued

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now