45 not going to work

122 18 17

At home

Riley - missy buying you presents I don't think so No

He looks at her

Lucas  - come here beautiful come here

She looks at him

Riley - you are lucky I love you

Riley and Lucas - Zay Maya and Zaya

Opening the door

Zay and Maya  - hi 

Little Zaya waves at them

Riley and Lucas - hi Zay hi Maya hi Zaya

Zaya was reaching again

Zay and Maya - Zaya baby  girl


Zaya - I sleeply mommy daddy nap time now

They kiss her forehead

Zay and Maya - we love you baby girl

Zaya fell asleep

Riley and Lucas - that is so sweet and cute

Zay and Maya smile at their daughter

Zay and Maya - thank you if she doesn't get a full nap time she is cranky

They cradle her

Riley and Lucas - she is amazing

They smile

Zay and Maya - yes she is

Zay is their world and they love each other and they love her

Zaya - mm mm

Hugging her

Zay and Maya - swert baby girl

Looking at Riley and Lucas

Zay and Maya - you two ready to go be parents

Looking at each other

Riley and Lucas - yes we are we have doctor's appointments

They smile

Zay and Maya - you are going
to love it trust us

They nod

Riley and Lucas - thank you

They nod

Zay and Maya - just be careful

They stop and look

Riley and Lucas - what are you talking about

They heard something going around NYU today

Zay and Maya - we heard that Charlie is back and out to prove that you and Lucas are in a relationship and going to have a baby he is out to expose the truth everything that happened between the two of you be careful

Here we go

Riley and Lucas - WHAT THE

It's about to hit the fan

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now