07 shit just got complicated

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2 days later

Lucas - No what please you can't 

Riley walks in the classroom

Lily - please Lucas I know you two don't get alone but he needs this

Lucas was reluctant to do this

Lucas - I'll do it for you

So reluctant about this

Lily - thank you so much

They hang up

Lucas - shit why fuck

Riley went to hug him

Riley - what's wrong

He looks at her his eyes were full of fire

Lucas - my cousin is coming to NYU and we don't get along at all we hate each other

Riley looks at him

Riley - I need to tell you something but it can wait I'll come back later

He looks at her

Lucas - what is it talk to me 

He leans against his desk looking at her worried about her

Riley - Farkle knows Lucas 

He looks at her again

Lucas - he knows about us

Riley nods her head yes

Riley - yes 

Lucas moves walking to her

Lucas - how does he know about us

Riley runs her fingers thru her  hair

Riley - he saw us last night

And now his cousin is coming

Lucas - and my cousin is coming is he going to say anything 

Riley looks at him again

Riley - he was my boyfriend for so long and I know I  broke his heart but he wouldn't hurt me like that

They safe are with Farkle

Lucas - are you OK

Riley looks at him

Riley - I just broke his heart and you are asking me about mine

Looking at his eyes

Lucas - we didn't know this would happen but yes I'm going to check on you

He cresses her cheek sweetly and softly

Riley - I was right you are amazing 

Riley kisses him he kisses her

Lucas - we can't do that when he's here

Riley nods

Riley - I know

Shit is about to hit the fan in very big ways

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now