22 growing up

128 19 18

In Riley's room in her bay window

Lucas - so

She smiles at him

Riley - yes

He smiles

Lucas - growing up for you was like was like what exactly

She runs her fingers thru his hair

Riley - good great actually but I felt like I was somewhat in a way disappointing them but they would never say it to me 

Lucas looks at her

Lucas - have you ever told them how you felt riles

Riley knew the answer

Riley - No I love my parents but they would be hurt ignore it so what's the point if I know the outcome of the conversation before it even happen

What Riley didn't know was that her parents heard her

Topanga - did you know that's how she felt

Cory looks at his wife

Cory - No not at all

They couldn't believe it

Topanga - did we make her feel this way cor

He hoped not

Cory - No honey No

Moving away from the door

Lucas - maybe you should Riley

She looks at him

Riley - No because this time home is already hard enough for you and I don't want that to be all you remember from coming home with me No OK I didn't come back here for a fight you're here and I just want to show you where I grew up OK

He kisses her forehead she smiles

Lucas - OK I'm sorry I didn't mean to push

She kisses him

Riley - you didn't I just stay away from it altogether and never say a word because we take forever to forgive each other

She lays her head on his shoulder

Lucas - come here I got you it's going to be OK everything is going to be OK forever

Riley moves a little bit

Riley - what did you just say

Was  Lucas promsing her forever

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat