05 amazing part 1

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Sexual contain ahead They came out of the kiss breathless and panting heavily

Lucas - are you sure you want to go all the way we don't have too

He asks again

Riley - yes I'm sure Lucas

She took off his shirt and  was utterly amazed all the way

Lucas - Riley 

She looks into his eyes

Riley - amazing

He laughs a little bit 

Lucas - it will hurt at first

Riley looks at him 

Riley - I know about sex I just hadn't  had sex Lucas but I want to with  you 

Lucas kisses down her neck until he got to her shirt and unbuttoned it

Lucas - whoa 

Looking at her body in awe of her

Riley - what you hate what you see  don't you

She covers herself up

Lucas - No No you are beautiful so beautiful please don't hide you don't have to hide from me I promise  you don't

Riley slowly uncovers herself as he kisses down bellybutton  to her pants

Riley - Lucas 

He looks at her 

Lucas - yes you want to stop

She shakes her head No

Riley - No keep going I'm just a little nervous what if I'm bad or something

He kisses her gently 

Lucas - you won't be and I'll take care of you

She looks at him again

Riley - I trust you

He unbuttoned her pants lined up her enterence and went in slowly making sure that he doesn't hurt her

Riley - oh

He saw a tear and stops immediately

Lucas - are you OK we can stop

Riley looks at him again 

Riley - I trust you it's the pain part keep going

He kisses her again and he moved in and out  and soon the pain became pleasure

Riley - mm

And soon  enough they are in bliss but would it come crashing down around them when someone else knows 

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora