71 explanations

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Lucas got home and saw his girls on the couch and Breeland and Harper lit up looking at their daddy

Riley - who's that who babies

Looking at them

Breeland and Harper - dada dada dada

Lucas picks them up

Lucas - my girls that's right babies 

Riley smiles at her family 

Riley - speaking of daddy when mommy woke up daddy was gone this morning

He looks at her

Lucas - I went to the school to prepare for my afternoon class

He couldn't tell her the truth that he went to see her parents and asked them for their blessing to marry her and they said No then he thought of something to try to fix everything 

Lucas - I'll be back again

As they went to the door their was a knock on the door

Zay and Maya and Zaya - open up

They smile

Riley and Lucas - coming

Opening the door 

Zay and Maya and Zaya - hi


Riley and Lucas - hi

Lucas went out the door

Lucas - hey

On the phone

Landon - luke

Had to try

Lucas - I need your help

He would

Landon - what can I do

They were always going to help each other

Lucas - come with me to explain everything to Riley's parents and maybe this time I will get their blessing to marry their daughter

Landon wasn't surprised that his brother wanted to marry Riley he loves her and she loves him

Landon - I'll come I'll help

Landon wanted his brother happy

Lucas - thank you

And his happiness is his family

Landon - you're welcome 

Hanging up

Lucas - I hope this works

Hours later

Landon - luke it's going to be OK  everything is going to be OK

Knocking on the door again  opening the door

Cory and Topanga - we already told you

Saw both of them

Lucas and Landon - both of us can explain everything please just give us the chance

Actually stepping aside to let them in

Cory and Topanga - 10 minutes

Starting now

Lucas - we met when she first got to NYU that first day when she got in my class we didn't start seeing each other that first day we started seeing each other after she asked for my help in my class I said yes looking at her she was beautiful and I knew she was special and we kissed that day after school and we started from that kiss and were together everyday since and we were being careful until we were taped and the school knew everything we could have lost everything we said

Landon got it

Landon - we said it was me to protect them from being kicked out of the school and fired look we know what all of this is wild we really do but my brother and you're daugher love each other and why did I do it I did it for them and would do it again 

Looking at him brother

Lucas - I really love her and all I want is to make her happy and we'd be husband and wife

Looking at each other

Cory and Topanga - don't approve but we see you love her so against our wishes you have our blessing

It's a blessing against their wishes but they love each other so much and nothing could stop that

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now