09 miss me

163 19 16

Driving to the airport

Zay - so who's the girl luke tell me

Lucas avoids the question

Lucas - not talking about her

Their secret had to stay a secret for her and him

Zay - oh come on this is me we're talking about right now I'm happily married it's not like I want her for myself and I'm going to be a father

Zay and Maya got married after high school

Lucas - I know this Zay

Lucas laughs a little bit

Lucas - yeah not happening Zay

Zay smirks at him

Zay - if I didn't know any better I'd say you were dating her in secret or something or you two are sleeping together I know you so it has to be something going on between you two

Lucas didn't say anything

Zay - are you two sleeping together

He couldn't say it but he couldn't say nothing either

Lucas - No we're not sleeping together Zay she's my student and I'm her Professor

Lying about it

Zay - yeah yeah yeah OK whatever you say luke

Lucas looks at Zay

Lucas - we're not let it go

Pulling up at the airport

Zay - OK OK it's dropped

Waiting on Charlie walking to the car

Lucas - dumbass ugh

He got in the car

Charlie - miss me


Lucas - hell No

This is going to be a long ride

Zay - you can't kill him you know that and you know why you can't

Aunt Lily is why he can't

Lucas - I know I can't

Charlie sat in the backseat

Charlie - what's wrong not so happy to see me aww I'll cry

Lucas wanted to hit him

Lucas - shut the fuck up right now

Lucas grips the steering wheel

Zay - Aunt Lily

Lucas releases the steering wheel

Lucas - I'm calm

Zay's phone rings it's Maya

Zay - hey sweetheart

Ow ow ow is all he heard

Zay - Maya

Maya sat on the couch

Maya - she's kicking really hard today and ow come on baby girl what's the matter

One more kick

Maya - ow honey nugget I need you here something feels wrong

Say No more

Zay - I'm coming right now sweetheart


Maya - OK hurry

Hanging up the phone

Lucas - is Maya OK Zay

Zay looks at him

Zay - I have to get home Maya thinks something is wrong with the baby

Lucas nods his head

Lucas - everything is going to be OK it is

Lucas took Zay home

Lucas - I better be able to not hurt him

Later at NYU

Riley - they are cousins what the hell I can't believe it

Lucas and Charlie came back to NYU

Charlie - this is going to be fun

Lucas looks at him

Lucas - if you fuck this up for me it's going to be hell to pay

Lucas went to his classroom and Charlie bumps into someone

Charlie - I'm so

He stops

Charlie - Riley

Riley looks at him and she couldn't believe it she ran Lucas saw her

Lucas - what the hell is going on

Lucas sneaks away to find Riley

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now