Chapter 54: The Visit

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In a span of one week, Aiden and I have already achieved some part of the goals we had.

First: Overlook Mom's, Dad's, and Zyljan's betrayal — well, lies really — for the time being and pay them a visit.

Second: Ask them to explain everything from the very beginning.

As for the third, well, it's still underway, I guess. But according to Aiden's words of reminder from earlier, it's safe to assume that the whole plan is still a go.

However, these following questions still plague our minds:

Can we come up with a plan on how to infiltrate the she-devil's hell place? Fuck yes.

Can we achieve the said plan? Absolutely.

Can we manage to stay in one room with the she-devil without ending up skinning her alive? Maybe.

Can we talk to her without yelling at her? Absolutely not.

Can we manage to stay calm when we're near her? Fuck no.

So, as you can see from the following questions, I think you can already conclude that everything would probably not go according to plan. We still need to work on how to make our approach a calm one.

Right, like that's going to happen.

"Are you ready?" Austin's familiar voice snapped me out of the current reverie I was in, making me look at him with a blank look on my face.

He looked at me with raised eyebrow. "What the hell are you looking at me like that for?"

"Is there really a need to question everything I do?" I queried.

As he continued looking at me with a curious look on his face, the others countered that by plastering a look of mirth on each their faces. With a smirk on all their lips, Austin said, "Yes, there is."

I gave him a scowl. "You're really starting to irritate me."

Laughter erupted from his mouth when he turned to face Aiden. "Are you happy now?" He asked, making the latter grin in response.

Aiden turned his head to look at my irritated expression. "We were making a bet on how fast we can get a reaction out of you. You've been so irritable lately that even Chase can't seem to make you feel better."

"Are you PMS-ing?" Blake turned to me with a grin.

Everything went deadly silent. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes and mouths hanging agape. He must have mistook it as a sign of them appreciating his question, but I know better. I don't know where the hell he has been that he just didn't seem to know that one rule.

My scowl deepened as I looked at him, the others shaking their heads and muttering things like, "Idiot." or "Blake is done for." He seemed to have taken that now as a bad sign because his grin wavered while looking at each of us with a questioning and a scared look on his face.

"What?" He asked.

"I don't even have a sister, yet I know that's definitely one thing you don't ask a girl." Chase said as he leaned on his seat and rested his arm across the back of my seat.

"May you rest in peace, mate." Drake gave Blake a sympathetic pat on the back, making the latter to look at him with an even more horrified expression.

As Blake's eyes turned to look at me, his grin completely disappeared. "What did I do now?" The curiosity in his voice is so genuine, I can't help but laugh a little at how clueless he is. Blake may be a complete idiot at times, but he does look adorable when he knows nothing about something. There's just something in the look in his face that makes you want to pinch his cheeks and coo at his lack of attention.

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