Chapter 3: Mrs. Calbie

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Seeing a woman now that I haven't ever seen and met before came as both a shock and pleasure, a feeling that I usually feel when someone has this aura that I seem to be drawn into.

The woman is absolutely stunning. She has mesmerizing amber eyes that you just want to look into all day. A skin that seems as smooth as a baby's butt cheek and a complexion slightly paler than mine but it just makes her even more beautiful. Her hair is up in a tight bun and she is wearing a white fitting dress with a matching black coat.

I stood up and went towards the woman to greet her. I smiled. "Um hello."

The woman smiled in return before offering her hand to shake. I shook her hand with the same firmness she is giving. "What a beautiful girl. Your mother has not mentioned me to you or your brothers, I presume? You seemed very taken aback when you saw me walk in through those doors."

I smiled shyly and said, "I am afraid you are right." The woman chuckled lightly and shook her head gently.

"How did you know I was her daughter anyway?" I asked and the woman smiled at me.

"Oh I have heard a lot about you and your family. It is hard not to when your family is basically on every cover on the magazine."

As I have gotten a closer at her and saw her features more clearly, I came to realize that she has some similarities to the woman the group and I have met on the streets a few days ago. As odd as it may seem, they really do have some similar features e.g. the hair, the eyes, the complexion and the smile. Maybe they are related?

"Excuse me. I will just go and get Mom." Zyljan addressed his statement to the woman and she nodded her head with a smile on her face.

How does she keep smiling? Does her cheeks not hurt from all that?

As Zyljan went up the stairs, I turned to the woman. "Please take a seat, Mrs. . ." I trailed off as I did not have a clue on what I should call her. Damn, I should have asked her first what her name is.

"Mrs. Calbie. You can call me Mrs. Calbie." She said as she took her seat on the couch across from the one Chase and I are sitting on.

A few moments later, Mom came down the stairs with Zyljan trailing closely behind her. "Rose." Mom greeted with a tight lipped smile.

"Eliza." Mrs. Calbie greeted back with the same smile she has given me over the course of our conversation.

"Please follow me to my study and we can have that private talk we badly need to have." Mom said and immediately went to go up the stairs once more, with the expectance that Mrs. Calbie is already following her.

As they both went up the stairs, I turned to Zyljan expectedly. He just gave me a shrug and a sigh as a reply.

Guess that is enough of an answer for me.

"Babe, I have to go. Aiden and I still have a game we have to get to in a few hours and we still have to practice with the team. I'll meet you later okay?" Chase said and I just nodded my head with a smile.

"Great! So you'll come to our game?" He asked with a happy glint in his eyes that I just seem to find absolutely adorable.

"Of course I will." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck."

He smiled and gave me a hug before turning to Zyljan to say his goodbyes.

"What do you think Mom and that woman is talking up there?" Zyljan asked as Chase went out the door.

"I have absolutely no idea." I replied.

As he heard my reply, he gave me a mischievous smirk that I know all too well. "Want to find out?"

I bit my lip as I weighed my choices. Knowing what they are talking about is undeniably tempting but I know that if we do that, we are invading Mom's privacy that we should deeply respect. Although, what she doesn't know won't hurt, right?

I turned to Zyljan as he gave me an expecting look. I nodded my head and his smirk instantly turned to a grin.

"Now, let's go."

We stood outside Mom's study and we turned to look at each other. Although Zyljan is looking confident on the outside, I can definitely see it in his eyes that he is feeling anxious and nervous as much as I am.

Their voices are audible from where we stand and I can't help but let my curiosity blossom. I know Zyljan is feeling the same way too.

We pressed our ears against the door and heard some of the words they spoke. The one talking now is definitely Mom.

"Why did you suddenly gain an interest in getting her now? You left us alone all these years and you come back again to tell us that you are taking her back? Is this a joke you are telling me?"

"Eliza, we have made a deal. You and James agreed to it."

"No! I refuse to do what you ask. James and I have her now and we would like to keep it that way."

"That's the thing. You had the chance to have her so why not give me that chance too? At least I still have not planned to take him away from the both of you too."

Him? Her? What in the world are they talking about? And who are they referring too anyway?

"That is beyond cruelty, Rose. Are you telling me you are planning to take them back both?"

"Yes. That is exactly my plan. Tell James that I will do everything in my power to get what I want."

As Mrs. Calbie spoke those words, we heard the scraping of wood against the floor and we instantly knew the talk is over. Zyljan and I turned to look at each other and we frantically ran down the stairs to make it seem like we had not been eavesdropping all this time.

Moments later, we heard a door open and a pair of heels clacking against the marble tiles. We saw both Mom and Mrs. Calbie walk down the stairs, both with different expressions. Mom had this irritated look on her face while Mrs. Calbie's face glowed with victory.

"It was nice to meet all of you." Mrs. Calbie said and went out the door afterwards. We turned to Mom expectantly.

"Do not mind what happened today. I will be going to the office and have a talk with your father. The both of you stay here and do not leave the house until you are to go to Aiden's game later. Also, tell him to go home right away after the game and not attend the after party if ever they win. Same goes to the both of you." Mom said in all seriousness and we just nodded our heads at her.

Damn, I rarely see Mom like this. I wonder what triggered her to act this way these past few days? She is not this uptight with us before.

"Good." Was all the she said as she went up the stairs and to her study probably.

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