Chapter 50: Headache

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One would think that by receiving a note similar to Zyljan's would send Aiden and I over the edge. But for some strange reason, we seem not to, leaving only Zyljan to dwell on the said note, silently mulling over the words as his eyes rake over it again and again. There would also be a troubled expression plastered on his face whenever he comes across the note again, something that worries Aiden and I immensely. Not that we think our older brother can't take of himself, he's rather good in that certain department. No, that's not we're worried about. What plagued our minds is that Zyljan's accident months ago might come to life once more, leaving him broken and laying still on the hospital bed for God knows how long. Not to mention that a certain Alyssa Bleu would be terribly devastated, especially since their wedding is two days from now.

And right now, as I sat on the edge of Zyljan's bed with Aiden sitting on the carpeted floor and Zyljan perched on the bean bag, hands tightly gripping the note he received a few days back, eyes skimming over it again and again with a conflicted gaze to match with it, I can't help but wonder why Zyljan is so immersed and worried over that silly note. For all we know we it could just be something to rile him up one way or the other. But, the person who sent that must be smart for him or her to know that he or she would exactly get the much needed reaction they are expecting from him.

"Zyljan," I started, but he didn't look at me. "Why are you so—"

"Worried?" Zyljan peered at me just above the paper he's holding. "That's because I can't help but think about the outcome whether I tell the truth or not because either way, it's going to be a disaster."

Aiden looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, his mind no doubt still processing the words Zyljan just said. We still don't know of course, what his secret is, seeing as he is very adamant on refusing to share it with us so we just stopped trying. After all, if he doesn't want to share anything, then he doesn't really want to. "Then why bother wasting your time mulling over it when you know it's just bound to be a disaster in the end?"

"Because it doesn't make it hurt any less."

What the hell does that even mean? Aiden and I shared a look, my eyes filed with questions and curiosity, his dancing with unfathomable emotions. For all the time we have shared with Zyljan, this has got to be the most frustrating of all. Aside from the fact that he rarely acts like this since he believes mulling over unimportant things are a complete waste of time, he makes it a point to be able to tell Aiden and I everything that's going on in his life — except for the specifics of his sex life, of course. I would never want to hear my brothers' sexual escapades. It's completely disgusting.

A ring from the doorbell made me swallow back the words that I was about to question Zyljan, since he instantly shot up in his seat, disregarded the note and ran for the front door like his life depended on it. For whatever reason, I have no idea. And judging by the confused look fogging up my twin brother's face, he has no clue either.

With a silent understanding passing between Aiden and I and a sigh escaping my lips, I stood up on my place and ran after my brother, Aiden following closely behind me. By the time we arrived downstairs, Zyljan is already stood on the front door, opening it for whoever is on the other side of the door.

"Zyl?" He looked behind his shoulder to look at me. "Who's at the door?"

His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought before moving aside to let the person in and said, "Mrs. Calbie. You remember her, don't you?"

And surely, the woman we had dinner with not too long ago is stood beside Zyljan with a friendly smile on her face. Her amber eyes raked over Aiden and I, like she's doing her absolute best to memorize every inch of the both of us, every scourging detail she could grasp on. Instead of the white dress she wore the last we saw her come here, a red dress with intricate designs on it is clinging to her body, though the black coat is there all the same, along with black pumps that made her legs seem longer than they actually are.

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