Chapter 46: Justin

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The moment Aiden and I stepped foot inside Starbucks, the feeling of nervousness seemed to have taken a liking to me because it stayed for as long as I could remember — from the start of our walk until here. I really preferred to take a walk instead of taking the car because I was hoping it might calm my nerves, but hell. It only made me even more fidgety and a walking bundle of nerves. Wretched walk.

I released a sigh, thinking how stupid I must have looked like when Aiden and I were still walking on our way to Starbucks. Two teenagers, a girl and a boy, who seem to have captured the attention of all the people on the street due to the slight fuss the girl had made.

Why am I even feeling nervous about this? I furrowed my eyebrows. It's certainly just nothing since I've seen Chase a bunch of times already. What makes this one any more different than the rest?

Aiden turned to look at me with a questioning look, but the tangible mirth hidden in his eyes became incredibly transparent as I looked him in the eyes. "You alright there, buddy?" He asked, digging his hand further down his pocket.

I flashed him a smile. "I'm perfectly fine. What made you ask that anyway?"

As he considered my answer for a minute too long, he suddenly gave out a jovial laugh, one that sounds extremely appealing to the listener's ears, have it not been for the fact that the way he regarded me with mock filled me with instant annoyance. "Seriously Amber, you may be able to fool anyone else with that answer, but I know you better than that." A gleeful look passed his face when we stopped in our place to wait for the person in front of us to finish ordering.

"Then why ask me that silly question then?" I glared at him, allowing my voice to take in a silent tone due to the fact that we're in public.

He gave me a shrug, looking back at the front to face the attendant, who had a smile on her face. "I guess you could call it idle conversation." He flashed me one last grin.

"Welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order?" The girl offered another friendly smile. Pretty girl, I mused. Nice, translucent skin, long brown hair that seems as smooth as silk, blue eccentric eyes with thick, long eyelashes that could have any girl dying of jealousy. She has that lips that resembles a perfectly sculptured one, a pretty pink that obviously has any guy wanting to able to know what it feels like and what it tastes like. Despite the friendly smile plastered on her face, I know for a fact that she's not a force to be reckoned with. Something about her screams strong and independent, a characteristic that only seems to make her even more attractive to the eyes — which I'm sure Aiden and I can agree on.

Overall, she's the kind of girl that would most definitely not take any nuisance from anyone, not even from a world-known model and the son of a very famous multi-billionaire couple. Namely, Aiden Lee.

I took a look at my brother and could probably see the wheels turning in his head as I registered the slow charming smile that is making its way on his face. Rolling my eyes at his coquettish behavior, I flashed the girl an apologetic smile when the smile on her face slowly dropped and morphed into one that certainly looks like curiosity. I'm pretty sure she's thinking how stupid Aiden looks right now.

Laughing silently at the train of thoughts inside my head, I told her, "Sorry, my brother seems to have lost his ability to speak." She chuckled as Aiden turned to glare at me. "We'll have one caramel macchiato and one caffe latte."

"Actually," Aiden started. "I'll have an espresso instead." I raised my eyebrow at his choice of beverage. He never drinks espresso because it's too strong for his taste. I sighed inwardly, already having a slight clue as to why he made the sudden change of order. He leaned closer, making the girl raise an eyebrow at his movement. "And maybe you could slip in your number too."

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