Chapter 35: Life is Just Full of Surprises

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Days have passed ever since that fight the guys had and the tension between us is growing palpable every minute of everyday. I don't even know if this tension is going any time soon because the guys have made it pretty clear that they don't want any interaction to transpire between us. But then again, so do I. I'm not ready to talk to them and deal with whatever useless explanation they have planned.

What I am sure about though is that the world have other plans; every time I try to get away from them, they would appear out of nowhere and make me feel stupid for even hoping that my wish would come true. It also doesn't help that I share almost all classes with the both of them.

I sighed as I walked down the familiar path that leads to our front door. Ever since I knew that Aiden knew about Chase's plan, I did my very best to avoid him every after class because I know that he would be waiting for me at the parking lot. That has always been what happened the past weeks; he would wait for God knows how long and I would pretend that I don't know about it then walk all the way home.

It's tiring, of course but I have grown fond of walking home despite the exhaustion I would feel when I arrive; same when I would make way to school.

I could always ask Zyljan to drop me off and fetch me from school but since he's already went back to college, that option is out of question. I'm pretty surprised his college still accepted him with open arms despite the permission he got to take some time off school since the administration there made it very clear that there would be no special treatment whatsoever. Feel the hypocrisy seep in yet, anyone?

Now, I know that I could also just drive there myself but I think we already established the fact that I'm a horrible driver; I would wound up in jail for reckless driving before I can even say the words, 'I'm sorry'.

A sigh escaped my lips one more time before before I opened the door to our house. The moment I stepped in, I knew something was definitely up. It's not usually this eery and silent when I get home considering how it's already six in the evening; Mom and Dad would be up and about the house, doing God knows what. Zyljan would be in the kitchen, talking and helping — well, trying to since he's a horrible cook — Chef Ronald prepare our dinner. Then, the moment he would hear my voice, he would pop his head out of the kitchen and send me an ecstatic smile while saying, 'Hello child. I have prepared food for you. Do you want it with poison or just with that horrible chemicals I found somewhere here? Or maybe, you prefer it spiked? Drugged, possibly?'

And then there's Aiden. God, how he enjoys it when Zyljan acts like that. He would just sit there on the couch with his phone clutched on his hand, a teasing smile plastered on his lips as he praises Zyljan for a job well done. He would then stand up and greet me with a hug before making his way to the kitchen and smacking the back of his head as he passes by Zyljan.

A small smile slipped on my lips as soon as those memories invaded my mind. Those were fun times indeed. It was one of those times that I would either be laughing so uncontrollably or glare at them for the whole evening.

I stared at the ground sadly then. All these memories are making me miss the both of them. The kind of loneliness that engulfs your whole being until all you want to do is curl up somewhere and cry your heart out; the kind of loneliness that makes you feel like there is nothing you can do; the kind of loneliness that makes you reminisce everything.

"Amber?" I heard someone ask somewhere near me.

I jumped slightly in my place as soon as I became startled with the sudden noise I heard, making me look around the room frantically. But as soon as my eyes met with a pair of jade eyes and another pair of amber eyes, I stayed calm on my place as I looked at them indifferently.

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