Chapter 7: Dad

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"Did you know?" I asked Aiden, the moment we went got home from the fitting.

To say that it was awkward would be the biggest understatement of all time. Being in the same car as the ex of your boyfriend is not really the greatest thing out there. Much less when she's about to become a part of my family soon, considering the fact that she's marrying my brother.

Oh my God, since when did my life become a dramatic television show?

Oh, right, when my parents asked me to stay in Canberra for two years and put on a disguise everyday of my life there for reasons I can't seem to know about.

Aiden scoffed. "Of course I didn't. I wouldn't be as shocked as you if I did know."

"Know what?" Zyljan asked, as he followed in suit, shrugging off his coat and sighing when he ruffled his wet hair.

Remember when I said that Zyljan is supposed to be out of the hospital a few days later? Yeah well that changed, obviously, since he's here because he practically charmed the nurses and doctor to let him out earlier.

It worked obviously.

I don't know how Aiden and Zyljan ever use their charm just to get what they want.

Aiden stared at Zyljan with a blank stare. "How in hell did you get out of the hospital?"

Oh right. I forgot to mention that Aiden doesn't know of Zyljan's current mischief. I have no idea, really, how he doesn't know, considering how Zyljan and him always seem to text each other constantly. Yes, they are girls like that.

Zyljan gave him a smirk. "I charmed my way out, of course."

Aiden laughed as he gave Zyljan a high-five. "Now that's Lee blood right there."

I rolled my eyes at them. Stupid, idiotic brothers. "You can't always charm your way out, you know."

Both boys turned to look at me with a glare. "Shut up, Amber." Aiden said.

I sighed. What an idiot. Zyljan ruffled his wet hair again and sighed, droplets of water coming from his hair, dripping on the floor. It's currently raining right now, and it just so happened that as I was walking on the way to Hannah's house, droplets of rain started to fall on me.

Luck just doesn't really seem to be on my side right now.

"Anyway, to answer your previous question, we recently knew that your fiancee is the ex of my best friend and Amber's boyfriend." Aiden replied as he sat down the couch, releasing a big sigh right after.

"Wait, did I hear right or are you just making this up?" Zyljan asked, fleetingly glancing at me before looking at Aiden.

Aiden rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, you heard right. She kind of confessed to it earlier when she picked us up."

Zyljan snorted. "Well good thing I made her pick the both of you up then."

I rolled my eyes and sat down the opposite couch of where Aiden is sitting. "This is going to be so awkward." I muttered.

How am I going to face Alyssa now without feeling awkward about the whole thing? She did apologize to me for the way she dropped the bomb on me and told me how Chase would've told me soon.

I asked her of course if they talked.

She said always.

Al fucking ways.

But as friends.

Yes, as friends.

I scoffed inwardly. Friends my ass.

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