Chapter 15: The Lunch Table

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I hurriedly took the seat beside Sapphire as I got into class with Aiden. We were obviously late for our first class since we kind of took our time getting to the classroom, our minds preoccupied with unspoken thoughts. After that small talk we had with Sapphire, I can't help but really wonder where she got the information about Zyljan and the accident that happened to him, Aiden telling me he wonders the same thing. Like what Dylan said earlier, someone definitely told her about what happened.

Maybe Alyssa?

Okay, where did that thought come from? I'm being crazy if I even think Alyssa gave off that little classified information.

. . . Right?

"So Sapphire, we were wondering. . ." Aiden started as he took the other seat on Sapphire's left. A guy was about to seat at where Aiden is, but he glared at him and told him to find another place to sit. The guy frowned before pointing it out at him that the seat Aiden has taken has always been his seat.

"Well go and find some other place then." Aiden snapped, making me sigh on my place. Aiden might be the stupidest guy you'll ever meet, but he can actually be a jerk when he wants to. I think it was already enough proof when we fought countless of times when Megan and Xander were still in our lives. Speaking of Megan and Xander, I really am kind of wondering where they are now. Not that I miss their presence — please, that's ballistic. I just want to get myself ready in case they do decide to make an appearance on our lives again.

Anyway, right after Aiden said those words, the guy just frowned at him some more before walking away and finding some other place to sit. Poor guy. Aiden then faced Sapphire again who was gaping at him in shock. Yes, Sapphire, I get that you've never seen him like this. Aiden grinned at her. "As I was saying, I was wondering how you found out about the little information about Zyljan?"

She sighed at him before looking back at me. "Is he really always this persistent?" She asked with a quizzical look on her face.

I chuckled. "Well, yes, actually. And you know, since I'm also here sitting beside you, I guess you can say I'm pretty persistent too."

Sapphire just sighed in her place before looking back at the front as Aiden glared at me. "I am so more persistent than you." Aiden reiterated, Sapphire gaping at him again.

Yes, I know, Aiden is stupid.

"Mr. Lee, I would stay quiet in my place and listen to the discussion if I were you." Miss Greene said with a stern look on her face as she faced Aiden.

Yes, the teachers know the truth too. I guess they already have for a long time but kept it secret from the students. After all, they are to know the little details about us that are registered in their database.

I bit down the laughter that threatened to escape my mouth as Aiden blushed in embarrassment. Sapphire tried to hide the smile that slipped on her lips, Aiden's head hanging low as the rest of the class' chuckles could be heard around the room. "Sorry ma'am." Aiden said quietly as Miss Greene looked back at the front, continuing the discussion she is having.

Sapphire and I chuckled lowly in our place, making Aiden glare at us. At the corner of my eye, I saw Hannah grinning as she moved forward and whispered in Aiden's ear —which is loud enough for Sapphire and I to hear, by the way — "I'd stop that glare if I were you. You wouldn't want your attention to be called again, now, would you?"

Aiden scowled at her as Hannah moved back in her place, chuckling. Sapphire turned to me. "Is Aiden really like that?" She asked, making me chuckle in my place once again.

If only you know, Sapphire.

"Don't even ask." I replied, grinning at her in the process.

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