Chapter 13: Unstoppable

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You know that spine tingling sensation you get when you feel like you're about to do something crazy? That same feeling came coursing through your veins as you steadily and sternly made your way up the stairs and onto the platform. Face filled with mixed emotions, you honestly didn't know if you were ready for this. Was it the regret for not practicing and losing your cool sooner? Or the fact, that as you got higher up the platform stairs, your view of Yates grew more terrifingly entrancing. You'd probably go with the last answer on your made up test which was 'c',- all of the above and then some.

Lieutenant Mccree looking just as surprised as everyone else in the room, stood right in the center of the podium as you took your last step into the ring. You could feel his and Yates's eyes piercing the very fiber of your soul, Yates being the lethal of the two.

Thinking about it a little more as you got closer, you were now into the lions den, locked inside with an insane, animal of human being and the key nowhere to be found. Yates held his head up slightly looking down from his vision in your direction before, curling his mouth into an open, staggered smile. Quickly noticing Lieutenant Mccree's hand movements, Yates got into a more soldier looking position, standing as strong as an ox, and shifting his head into a more comfortable place. The tension between you two wreaked of apprehensiveness, looking like this whole fight was somehow about to show up on World Star.

Whispering under his breath, Yates still made it clearly intentional for you to hear his menacing words, "This will be over sooner than I thought." Spewing nothing but, rancid sounding tones your direction.

'Breathe (y/n).'

You kept repeating the same line over and over again in your head, as your unmoving glare held strong onto Yates's line of sight. It was apperant to anyone in the room that he was trying to get under skin if you would allow it. Thats how he won most of his fights anyways, trying to mess with their heads until there was nothing left but, fear. Keeping your posture tall and your hopes high, all you could do now was wait for the underlying countdown Mccree set for when he starts to walk away, set to the motion of his footsteps. All of these months gaining somewhat of an intellectual and physical awareness, and the weeks spent training and pushing yourself to your limit, had finally came face-to-face with you in the form of a crazy sociopath as a test.-

Just your luck.

"Now when I exit this mat, you both enter the fight, do I make myself clear." A dead silence sat between the two of you as you both held the stare of a lifetime and nodded gently. Mccree now glancing back and fourth into both of your eyes, he knew this wasn't going to be a pretty one. The Lieutenant grew a little uneasy feeling the tension between you both but, kept his serious nature and backed up a little towards the stairs with his thumbs down his belt, before turning completely around with haste.

Each footstep he took rang in your ears, like a bell in a clock tower, increasing your heart rate.

1st step.

Commander Gabriel and Professor O'Deorain, both gazed downward eagerly awaiting for the fight to unravel. It wasn't easy for Gabe to have to just sit there normally, when it felt like every single flash of mixed emotions were exploding within his heart and soul. He wasn't sure if he felt happy and excited because he could finally see if you could live up to his own hype. Or, if he was just angry because he was starting to build the thought of you possibly getting hurt within his distressed mind. He hated that thought,- he thought out of every single emotion he had towards you, that was what had him worried the most.

Funny, and very ironic, isn't it? Gabriel had wanted to see you succeed more than ever now, and yet he couldn't bare the thought of you falling again. Crinkling his nose at the thought, made his mouth scowl a bit in anger,-

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