Chapter 4: Intimidation

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How long has it been since, you've sat in this terrible, 'hard to get comfortable in' seat. You adjusted yourself so many times in your chair, it felt like your ass was starting to chafe. Deciding not to move any further you just sat there uncomfortably, patiently awaiting along with two-hundred plus students for the proffessor to arrive. Glancing at the clock every now and then with your drowsy head propped up on your hand and your arm acting like a pillar, You groaned internally rolling your eyes at the wasted time you've sat expressionless.

'It's been almost an hour.' You thought, and it seemed like the rest of the students had thought the exact same thing. Seeing their faces completely void of life, from the ungodly amount of time lost. It didn't help that the same kids from before were completely unruley, sitting at the top of the desk rows. You were stuck near the front row, about four rows higher to be precise. You didn't mind it, matter of fact, you were completely happy with the terms and conditions of sitting near the front. You wouldn't have to deal with as much bullshit from the rowdy soldiers in the back of the room. Plus, this was Professor O'Deorain's class, your 'bread and butter' of the entire program. Hopefully this class will be the edge you need to excell in the facility, you had the brains for it, why wouldn't you?

A sudden rush of energy had surged within yours and the other classmates  veins once, the doors of the classroom had opened making your confidence a little better. It made you forget about the combat class your forced to endure later in the day but, that realization came slingshotting back once you could feel a wadded up piece of paper snipe the back of your head. The force wasn't hurtfull but, it was enough to make you impressed by the sheer velocity put into it. Eyeballing the ball of paper bouncing to the floor, you looked up to see 'Mr.Gitty' himself giggling like an idiot to his posse.

Yates wasn't it? You couldn't remember, you didn't care either. He was a waste of your time,- hopefully he wouldn't get under your skin too much...

As Professor O'Deorain made herself be known, she advanced to the front of the room, wearing a white lab coat and safety goggles attatched to her shirt collar looking like she was going to perform fifty different experiments. You believed it too, concidering the fact that there were multiple different test tubes and cylindrical appliances scattered along the table on her marble table up front, connected together by clear rubber tubing. It was intruiging none the less but, you didn't want to focus on that right now, you just wanted someone to start talking and teach, fast. The amount of adreneline surging through your body finally rested once O'Deorain made her statement.

"Alright, class let's begin. Private Yates, if I see another paper being thrown, you will no longer be affiliated with this facility. We teach top notch students here, not undergrade children. Do I make myself clear?"

How in the hell did she even notice the wad of paper? She had her back turned the entire time she entered the room, heading for the board. You guessed her senses where grades above everybody elses.

Her face never turned away as she began to write various numbers and names. Your eyes soared high by the sheer level of threat launched into your bullies area, you couldn't help but, try to restrain yourself from smiling too hard. All your oppressor could do was reply with a embaressed stricken yet, military style, "Yes, Proffessor O'Deorain." Her back now turned toward the chalkboard, happy with her acknowledgement, she examined her class and secretly judged each and every single personality. Making quick assumptions on who would do well and who would fail miserably however, she wasn't the one to keep those assumptions. She's seen soldiers who did better than she had thought, and soldiers who did worse than what she thought.

However,- you were an exception.

Her mouth now forming a rather bold smirk, she became intrigued by the thought of Gabriel popping into her mind, spewing praise all over your name in regards to her academics. It lifted her confidence so much, that her head elevated a little as well calling out your name to the entire class.

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