Chapter 3: The Line Up

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Jogging profusely through the corridor of the facility, you caught a glimpse of a long line of other soldiers and students of both genders, standing against the wall in the same outfit you had thrown on. Some looking bored, others looking incredibly nervous, all of them standing very military formal. Beginning to think that this was the line for beginners commencement, your curiousity boosted you into moving in their direction. Sure enough, as you made your way to the end of the hall where the soldiers were, you glanced to your left seeing the line lead into a trainning arena. This was definitely the line up.

Stepping to the back of the line, you patiently awaited for orders to be called. It had taken a moment but, the string of students began moving into the room at a steady pace, getting clumped up into a decent sized group.

Finally making your way in, your vision was blocked from the hoard of people in front of you of the surrounding arena. From what you could see, was that the room was massive. It almost looked as if the building was underground with the brick pillars extending up from the ground and curving into the ceiling. Big metal stabilizers had supported the middle of the roof keeping it from collapsing. Multiple black with red ringed mats, were spaciously placed, feet away from each other in seperate rows on top of astro-turf looking, concrete flooring with a couple of odd looking robot dummies sitting neatly in the back corner near you. It almost gave off a early 2000's subway vibe. However, you couldn't see the front of the mini stadium, too many people in your view. The only thing high tech-ish, prominatly sticking out was an overhead room overlooking the trainning arena. Soaking in the gymnasium smell, a deep and smooth voice spoke up and rang through the room. Speaking so loud and demanding, it gave you shivers, hearing it call out the last names of your fellow soldiers.




Turning your head, looking around the room waiting for your name to be called with wondering eyes, you spotted the horrid jock from earlier paying you no attention as he starred forward, patiently waiting for his name to be called.


Just like that, he picked up his feet without a word and advanced further into the room. At least you now knew what his last name was and it made you happy a little to see him out of your sight. That is until, your happiness was stripped from you, making your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach, as your last name was called for loud and clear.


Your last name rolled off the tip of his tongue so easily and quickly, it seemed like he didn't have the patients for any bullshit with his subtle country accent. Your pace began very slowly feeling your heart skip a beat before walking a bit faster trying to form at least a decent warrior front. Your face nothing but, calm aggression as you turned the crowds edge seeing the exact same people as you saw on the pamphlet. The strange looking cowboy from before putting people in a forward facing line, with a straight finger pointing downward to a spot on the ground. Walking closer to him you could see his expression slightly change from angered concentration to a slight suprise at the sight of your presence. You had no clue why he did what he did, only explanation was that he must've seen your file. Keeping your head forward, you had caught a glimpse of the higher ranks seeming as intimidating as possible to your right. The cyborg human leaning his back against the wall with his arms crossed and a leg bent, starring at your figure with blood colored eyes. It looked like they could scare the living daylights out of any normal person. The gingered haired woman looked like she had the personality of a stuck up rich snob who knew everything. Her fingers intertwined, palms facing upwards, her hands rested against her pants. Her perception of you seemed also swayed a bit, with her curious yet intrigued stare.

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