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"Y'ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP. I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE" Our History teacher yelled in frustration. Our classmates however, didn't stop being so fucking noisy and one student even accidentally threw a crumpled paper right at our teacher's head.

Our teacher immediately growled and mumbled a lot of inaudible words.

"What's he saying?" I heard one bitch ask.



This world is surely full of savages.

The class quieted down after laughing for a good two minutes.

"Since you guys are such assholes, I'm giving y'all a project." He declared. We all immediately groaned.

"Yeah that's what y'all deserve." He laughed.

"Y'all should work together and make a research paper mainly about your country's culture and history." Ironically, our History teacher is American but he speaks Korean really well. Although he's really bad at pronouncing names.

"And take this seriously because there's a promising reward for the group who'll have the best research." He added. "So I asked your adviser to group y'all since I was busy and here are the groups."

He called out our names in the funniest way because I swear he's really bad at pronouncing it.

"Jimmy, Mom June, Tea cup, Sock Jin, Jose and Junglebook y'all will be grouped with Young gear and Heroine."

"Oh and add Chundere in your group as well. Good luck y'all."


I was extremely offended, he made it sound like I'm a fucking drug or something. Heroine? Really?

But when I faced my group, they're all laughing their asses off.

"What's up, Mom June?" Jimin teased Namjoon.

"Shut up, Jimmy. You lucky son of a bitch." He's right. Only Jimin wasn't given the worst nickname ever.

"Jose? You sound Mexican!" Seokjin laughed at Hoseok.

"Shut up, Sock Jin."

I saw Taehyung comforting a silent Jungkook.

"He—He called me Junglebook." He sniffed.

"Don't worry, at least you're not a fucking tea cup." Taehyung forced a smile.

I turned to Yoongi and he was glaring the hell out of our teacher.

"How dare he call me Young gear?! Damn that sound like I belong in Transformers or some shit!"

"Well you could say, he speaks autocorrect." I deadpanned. They all laughed.

Chunyoung tugged my arm and smirked.

"We're on the same team yay!"

"Yeah, Chundere." I grinned.

"I love tsunderes so much I became one." She laughed.

"We need to start doing this research, it's already due on Monday." Namjoon implied. Crap. It's already Friday.

"Okay after school then but where? Whose house?" Seokjin asked. They all looked at Yoongi who immediately frowned.

"Mine is off-limits today. My parents are inviting a few friends over."

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