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H y e r i n

Mom just literally destroyed the door when she came in.

"Your room is a mess!"

"You should see my life." I lazily answered.

She just stared at me for a couple of seconds before leaving the room.

I think its already past 10 pm or something and still I'm just here on my bed feeling so damn tired.

I didn't even do anything and here I am, the real epitome of laziness. Next to Yoongi, of course.

Homework to do: hella

Homework I've done: negative hella

My notebooks on my table were like. "Do me now!"

But I'm just like, "Later at midnight, baby."

Gosh, I'm so fucking weird. And I love it.


"Should I get in trouble for something I didn't do? "


"Good, because I didn't do my homework."

My Science teacher was basically gaping at me when she heard that.
A few snickered in behalf of my stupid reply.

"Hyerin, since you kind of surprised me with your remark it's okay, you can pass your homework tomorrow."

And now I was the one hanging my mouth wide open.

Like damn, I was just joking and she really bought it.

I didn't really do my homework and was in the mood to give a sarcastic reply to her but omfg she let me off this time.

My other classmates were startled too and all of a sudden, they tried to speak sarcastic statements but our Science teacher was just laughing while shaking her head.


It was now English and we're all given a surprise quiz by Ms. Kang.

Out of all the surprises, she gives us a fucking quiz?! That's why I hate surprises.

The quiz was not that hard but then again I'm quite nervous about my answers.

I tried rereading them and when I was satisfied, I was about to pass my paper because the time was almost up when I glanced at Yoongi, only seeing him in a deep slumber.

What the fuck. He didn't even finish answering the test. He was still on test one, holy shit.

This guy is really-argh.

I looked at both sides of the room just to see that my classmates were still busy answering, so with a last look on Ms. Kang who's busy painting her nails, I quickly grabbed Yoongi's paper and started scribbling my answers on his quizsheet.

Maybe in this way, I could repay him with what he'd done for me.

After a few more minutes, I finished copying my answers and I quickly slid it back on his table.

Ms. Kang just finished painting her goddamn nails as she yelled at us saying that its time to pass the papers.

When he saw Yoongi sleeping, she immediately went in front of us to scold him.

"Min Yoongi, you lazy kid! Why were you sleeping when I gave you a quiz?!"

Yoongi then rubbed his eyes and boringly looked at Ms. Kang. "I don't know the answers and I don't care-"

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