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H y e r i n

Events from the past started to flash back into my mind when I saw his brother's face.

I closed my eyes for a while to compose myself.

Hurriedly, I placed the picture frame back to its place and went outside of his room as fast as possible.

I ran back to their gazebo and took my things.

I held our finished scrapbook in my hand and prepared to leave.

"Yoongi, I'm going off now!"

He opened one of his eyes and looked at me. "Bye bitch."

I didn't mind his rude reply and just ran as far as possible away from his house.

I'm so fucking stupid. I shouldn't have come to his house. But it was too late.

Tears started to fall as scenes from the past started to roll on my mind again.

I hate remembering things that'll just make me sad at the end.

How I wish we could choose which memories to remember...

As I arrived to our house, I quickly went to my room and cried my eyes out while my worst memories continued to haunt me.


It was now Monday and we're all getting ready for our next classwhich is fucking English.

The whole weekend was a mess and I'm still feeling off because of the sudden flashbacks that came onto me before.

Until now, I'm still not getting the hang of it and I would always just stare at nothing like I did with the previous classes.

Ms. Kang, who was busy painting her nails again, was making us read a story in our books but I was not interested so I was just staring at the ground but then suddenly..

"Hyerin, read the third paragraph on your book." Her voice made me snap out of my thoughts.

I quickly nudged the sleepy Yoongi beside me. "What page are we on?" I asked while flipping the pages.

He looked at me weirdly. "Nigga, that's not even the book we read what is wrong with–" He whispered.

I didn't let him finish speaking instead, I quickly grabbed his book and searched for the third paragraph.

Yoongi was about to complain but then I kicked his left foot under our table that made him shut up. I mumbled a quick 'sorry' to him and also 'let me borrow your book or else i'll kick your dick next'.

I read the paragraph that Ms. Kang told me to. She just pretended that she was listening and just continued painting her nails and when I finished reading she dismissed me and called Hoseok to read the next paragraph.

I heard Hoseok silently cursing when he stood up.

Although his seat was a few chairs from mine, I could still hear what he whispered.

"Okay it's English speakeu time." He gulped and nervously held his book.

You know, Bangtan is almost perfect but they suck at one thing, they can't English.

Except for Namjoon tho, that boy is a nerd with a destructive body and cute dimples–okay I'll stop, Jin might hear me and I don't wanna get killed so yeah.

I can't help but to feel bad for Hoseok cause he was struggling so hard to read the whole English paragraph.

"–and then the monsta attacked the shoulder that made the vill uh– loggers grew in feel–"

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