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H y e r i n

Mean Yoongi: So your place or mine?

Mean Yoongi: ;)

This bitch even had the guts to send me a fucking wink emoticon. I swear I would want to kill him right now.

I don't know what made it worse, his fucking wink emoticon or the fact that he texted me at 2 am.

Annoyed, I quickly replied.

Me: you fuckboi

Me: you don't just send a wink emoticon to anyone at 2 fucking am.

Me: and to answer your fucking question, my house is off-limits

Me: i hate to say this but fuck you, we're doing it at your house

I waited for a few seconds before my phone beeped again.

Mean Yoongi: I'm no fuckboi

Mean Yoongi: I'm Swag Lord Yoongi, bitch

Mean Yoongi: Okay, meet me at my house after lunch

Mean Yoongi: Make sure to take a bath thrice before going here. I don't want your germs lingering inside my house.

Wow, this motherfucker really?

I decided to just ignore his messages and turned it off to make sure that jerk will not disturb my sleep again.



I just woke up and I bet Mom will make me do some chores again like she always does every fucking time.

Yawning, I went to the kitchen to find Mom.

"Hyerin you-we don't suck ghost dicks around here!"

"Mom, I was yawning." I spatted.

"I was yawning!" She mocked my tone. "No nigga, fuck outta here!" She continued.

I just shrugged and went on the table to have breakfast.

"After eating your breakfast, clean the kitchen."

"But momma, you're already cleaning the kitchen right now!" I pointed out. And yeah, she really is wiping the counter at this moment.

She paused for a while. "NO, you still have to clean it, nigga!"

"But Mom-" She cut me off.

"What did I say?! Just clean the kitchen, Jesus Christ!" She shouted.

"Just clean the kitchen even if it's already clean just because I want Hyerin to do some chores, yeah." I mocked her tone.

She shot her eyes on me. "What did you say?!"

"Nothing, Mom." I grinned.

"Lil nigga whispering some shit, hurry up and start cleaning already!"

"Nae~" I chimed.


It was past 1 in the afternoon when I finished eating lunch and cleaned the kitchen, I was currently packing the things I have to bring.

I packed a few photo albums and art materials inside my bag.

After fitting it all, I closed it and wore the backpack.

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