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H y e r i n

"So the pronoun of this is that and this is that and then you add an adjective then this and that."

Ms. Kang was discussing some shit and I didn't care so I just talked with my other seatmate.

"Omg you like Exo too? Who's your-"

"Why do I hear talking?"

"Cause you got ears you dumbass bitch." I accidentally said.

And fuck, I got detention for trying to answer like dope island did. Thanks a lot Tommy.

After an hour, I was sent out of the detention room.

And I felt like I just went out of prison.

I looked around and saw students sprawled in the hallway.

Looks like classes just ended.

Grabbing my bag, I walked out of the huge ass school building.

While walking, a certain pink coat caught my eye.

"What the fuck." I muttered while looking closely at it.

That's my fucking pink coat!

I hurriedly went to that guy who was wearing my fucking coat.

"Holy shit, Jin?"

I knew it. I fucking knew it.

"Why are you wearing my coat?"
He looked at me confused. "I found this abandoned in a restaurant so I took it."

"It was not abandoned! It was fucking left behind by me!"

"Oh, sorry not sorry it's mine now bitch."

"Wait, what the fuck. I know its pink and you fucking love pink but please give it back. My mom gave that to me as a present." I practically begged him.

He paused for a while. "Uhmm, nah. This is now mine."

"No fuck no."

I'm losing my shit. But hell nah I ain't losing my fucking coat!

He suddenly walked fast and eventually he went in a car and it drove off fastly as soon as he went in.

"Wait! My fucking coat! Fucking bastard gayshit Jin, I hate him!" I hopelessly screamed.

With that, I just started walking home. Ignoring that I'm freezing as fuck.

That was my favorite coat.

That was my baby.

My fucking cinnamon apple.

In a distance, a familiar figure came in sight.

I ignored him and just walked faster.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand.

"Bitch you better give back my eraser you snatched before-the fuck you're freezing as fuck what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Will you give me your coat?"

"Fuck no, why would I even do that-"

I didn't finish listening to him, instead I just walked away and continued my way home.

I was startled when I felt a coat covered my shoulders.

"Geez, if you wanted it that bad then there you go. Now move the fuck and go home."

Shitmate || YoongiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon