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H y e r i n

"Oh I didn't expect you to wake up this early. Come eat breakfast." Mom greeted me when I stepped on the kitchen.

I just enjoyed eating muffins and egg while Mom was just plainly looking at me. With a tone of curiosity she asked. "Did you get yourself into a trouble again?"

I just sighed. "No mom. It's something else." I said while playing with my fork. Feeling intrigued she continued asking. "Don't tell me you already have a boyfriend! You hoe!" She exclaimed.

"Mom stop exaggerating, you know I won't do that. Just let me finish my breakfast please." I begged. Tired of all today's shit even though its yet to start.

My mom snickered cuz she knows I'm already pissed. "Okay little bitch, but if you need someone to talk to I'm just here." I smiled in return.

After a few minutes of getting ready I took off. But now I wasn't in a hurry like I normally did. In fact I still have an hour to go to school.

Feeling the breeze of the wind up my face I started to rethink. Was it really a big deal having Yoongi as my seatmate? Or am I just exaggerating? I don't even know the answer myself. I thought I'm smart, but why can't I solve my own problems? Fuck this shit.

Drowning in my thoughts I didn't notice that someone was talking to me. "Hey bitch! Still half-awake huh?" My bestfriend, Chunyoung said while pinching my cheeks.

"Sorry." I muttered. She eyed me surprisingly. "Did you just say sorry to me? Omygod who are you? Bring back the old and horny Hyerin I know!" She said while slapping me softly. I just chuckled at her stupidity.

"Chill bitch, I'm still me." I said which made her sigh. "You're kinda off today, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know too. I don't even know what's wrong and what's right." I mumbled.

"Woah, that's some deep shit you got there hoe. I'm sorry I can't help you, I'm not smart." She laughed at herself. "I know, idiot!" I laughed too and hit her forehead.

We arrived at school still early. She excused herself saying that she will go to the drama club where she's the president since middle school. She's always early at school because of her rehearsals.

While me? I entered myself in the 'trouble club' which is also known as the detention room.

The detention room was like the second home to me. More like bedroom. I just sleep my ass off there and be happy.

The only thing I hated was Yoongi being there too. Although he would just shut up and sleep like fucking Aurora. I hated it because the damn teachers would command me to wake him up when our detention's over and he's like a fucking bitch on her period to handle. He would curse at me a lot, kicked me for ruining his sleep, and shits like that.

"Aish I shouldn't be remembering those days!" I talked to myself.

"Remember what?" I almost fell on my chair when that bastard spoke.

"None of your business, Jhoe." I said while glaring at him. "Yah, Hyerin! I'm not a hoe!" He shrieked.

"Yes you are. I saw you kissing Taehyung yesterday." I said. I know its a lie I just wanted to piss him off.

"What? Damn that jerk, Taehyung! I thought he said we were the only ones there at the gym's stock room!" He bursted out. Wait WHAT?!

I looked at him terrified. "You faggot!" But he just laughed it off. "Of course I'm kidding." He sheepishly smiled. I kinda doubt it. What if they really did something there? Oh God what am I even thinking? I kinda ship them tho ehehe..

Soon after that, the classroom became crowded.

I didn't even realize that Yoongi was already beside me.

"Yo I know I'm handsome but please stop staring at me, creep." He said with a disgusted expression.

"Eww bitch. I'm not staring at you. I'm staring at the trashcan beside you. Besides,you two looked exactly the same tho." I spat out which made him glare at me.

Here we go again.

He was about to answer back when Mr. Lee walked into the room signalling that the first class will already start.

As some sort of reminder I remembered that today was actually the first day I get to sit with Yoongi the whole day. Ugh. Sounds like shit to me.

Goodluck to me then.


I somehow managed to control myself from fighting Yoongi.

It's now lunch time and Chunyoung and I were busy eating when I glanced at the table in front of us.

It was Yoongi's gang or more like group or whatever. They all belong to a sing and dance club that they formed decades ago.

They looked like complete retards but I admit they're pretty talented. All of them were my classmates since middle school so I know.

I regularly see them perform in our school's events.

And I can say that they're pretty dope at it. But that won't change the fact that they helped Yoongi bully me back then. Those fucktards.

When the bell rang that meant lunch was over, we hurriedly went back to our classroom.

Preparing my things for the next subject I was interrupted when that asshole spoke. "Move, bitch." He said while pointing at my seat. Then I just realized that I was sitting on his chair.

Damn, I'm such an idiot. "Sorry, okay?" I uttered.

"Tch, stupid." He whispered while taking a sit. I just shrugged and continued arranging my things.

More classes ended and our Science teacher just exited the room. The other students were just talking with each other while Yoongi was taking a nap. Just then, someone tapped my shoulder.

"Can you please put this in the trash can?" She politely said while handling me a crumpled paper. I just nodded and aimed at the trash can.

Just when I have already thrown it, Yoongi woke up and got hit by the paper.

"Aw, fuck you!" He yelped when the paper collided with his face. "You thought throwing paper at someone is fun, huh?" He continued nagging. I was startled when he threw his notebook at me. I grunted in pain when it came contact on my face.

"OUCH THAT FUCKING HURTS LIKE A BITCH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I growled at him while hitting him with my book.



We kept on hitting each other when someone frantically shouted at us.


We turned around to see Ms. Wang blaring with anger.

Shit. We fucked up again.

Second day of school and I was already sent at the detention room.

Okay then...


I dedicate this to my babe JiminChimChimm <3

And omg happy 100 readss lmao em so happy :>



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