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H y e r i n

We're currently in the principal's office. Jina was right beside me.

For some reason this bitch is still alive even though I didn't call any lifeguard or someone to help her before.

The principal called us out to deal with that matter.

We're just waiting for our moms to come.

Y'all remember the time when I tried telling mom what happened between Jina and I and she just ignored me. Soon after that, the school contacted her telling everything that had happened, and she suddenly started caring for me. She even insisted to let her drive me to school everyday. That's how moms work right smh.

After a while, our moms came. And I can sense the tension building by those two.

Jina's mom and my mom were surprisingly enemies back when they were still on highschool.

So that could be 40% of the reason why I hate Jina. Guess, it runs on the blood.

The principal started discussing what happened. I'm completely confident because that old man knew everything and even when Jina tried reasoning out, I know that I'll not be punished. Cuz fuck, I'm like the victim here!

"So my conclusion is that you, Ms. Jina is the mastermind of everything, and by trying to push Hyerin on the lake, you will be punished with one week of community service."

I practically cheered on my mind. That bitch be getting what she deserves!

"What? But that bastard Min Yoongi's the one who pushed me off to the lake!"

"Yes he did, but you deserved it anyway. My nephew just wanted to save his enemy slash girlfriend."

I was about to cheer again when I heard the first sentence but immediately frowned when I heard the next part.

Mom was eyeing me weirdly, it looked like she was judging me real hard when he heard about Yoongi.

Jina's mom was about to complain when the principal dismissed us.

From the moment we step outside, Jina's mom started ranting.

"That principal is a dick! How dare he give you a punishment when you were the victim from the start?!"

I almost coughed when she said that to Jina.

How the hell is she the victim? That's bullshit.

Jina's mom turned around to mom who was trying to stay calm.

She started pointing her finger to mom. "And you. You should discipline your daughter more. Did you know how many times she got sent to detention last year? And God, she should stay away from my daughter! She basically just dragged my Jina in her stupidity!"

"I discipline my daughter in my own way. You don't need to tell me." Mom scoffed and continued. "And you said that Hyerin dragged your daughter into this mess, you're completely wrong. It's the other way round. Your daughter is the one who should be strictly disciplined. Did you know how many kids she bully every time?"

Jina's mom started raising her voice. "Atleast my daughter ain't spending her time in the detention room!"

"Atleast my daughter ain't sucking dick like yours do."

I prevented myself to laugh in this serious situation. And it was fucking hard not to laugh. I was practically gagging inside because what mom said was really accurate. Omfg.

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