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A/N: In this chapter we will see both Toms in the same place, so it might get a little confusing onto which Tom is talking and well, which Tom is which Tom, so I thought it would be easier if I used a discreet "code" to identify them.

Tom* Tom Holland

Tom ¨ Tom Hiddleston

"Hey love." Tom¨ said closing the door of the apartment he rented a few weeks ago. He took off his jacket and placed it in the couch of the living room where I was sitting watching a movie. I turned around and showed him the biggest smile. "I got a call form the Russo brothers and we are having dinner with the cast tomorrow night." He said sitting besides me and giving me a kiss on the lips. I nodded and kissed him again shortly before returning my sight to the T.V.

"Who's going?" I asked afraid of the answer and I guess he noticed because before answering me he cleared his throat and sighed. I looked at him and immediately knew I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Pratt, Paul, Evans, Chris, Mark, Scarlett, Liz, Chadwick, Anthonie—" He made a long pause as he stared at his hands and then looked at me. "and Tom*." He said and took my hands, gently squeezing them. "It's okay if you don't want to go." I smiled but I knew I had to go and be there for my boyfriend, it would be rude if I don't go and probably Tom* will go with Ella. "but I really want you to be there, darling." I nodded.

"I know, of course I'll go." I kissed him and continued watching the movie, but it wasn't as interesting as before.

We arrived at a huge house and Tom¨ helped me out of the car, we walked to the door and we could hear the music coming from downstairs; a man led us there and as we were walking downstair I could hear RDJ's voice. The first one to come in saw was Evans whom was wearing a navy blue suit, behind him was Hemsworth and Tom* wearing a black suit and Paul wearing a grey suit. My heels sounded while I was making my way downstairs and all the men standing at the last steps turned around. Tom's jaw basically touched the floor when he saw me. I smiled at all of them and RDJ offered me his hand at the las two steps, I gladly took it and linked my arm to his not letting go of Tom's hand so they could escort me to where the dinner was taking place, but before that I went to Evans, Chris and Paul and gave them a kiss on the cheek. I could feel eyes on my body as I made my way to the salon and it was quite flattering. I looked back and Tom* was the one staring and when I caught him he didn't mind and winked at me, I felt my cheeks turn red and discreetly hid mi face in Tom's¨ arm.

There was a huge table in the middle of the salon, enough to fit 20 people, I sat where there was a card with my name Tris Allen, on my left side was Tom¨ and in my right side Pratt. Ten waiters came out of the kitchen with champagne I asked for a glass and Evans laughed but he let me have only one glass.

"You look amazing."Tom* came up to me and ran his hand over my arm, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "I really get why Tom¨ likes you and drools every time he sees you, I mean I know I do." He said looking at Tom¨. "Like now, except he looks like he wants to kill me." He pointed at my now annoyed boyfriend who was walking to us.

As Tom¨ stood up he buttoned his jacket and walked towards us showing me a smile.

"Hello darling, you look marvelous." Tom¨ said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer, I smiled and Tom* scoffed taking the last sip of his champagne and left us alone.

"Thank you, hun, you don't look bad." I giggled and grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters platter, I took a sip and glanced at RDJ and gave me a deadly look at the same time he pointed at Tom* dancing like a drunk kid, I excused myself from Tom¨ and walked to RDJ. I could tell he was so mad.

"What the fuck is that, Tris?" He glanced at Tom* who was struggling to keep himself up, I laughed harder than I should and RDJ got madder. "Why is he drunk?" He whispered/yelled.

"Well, most likely is that he drank alcohol, I don't know I'm not his nanny and as far as I know he is old enough to drink so I don't see why it's any of my business." I laughed again and RDJ sighed, he waved at Evan to come and he was confused and a little mad at the scene Tom* was doing. He was laying on the floor moving his legs everywhere asking for more champagne.

"Look, just be glad he is drunk here and not somewhere else where none of us are present." I said and RDJ and Evans looked at each other not wanting to admit I was right. "He's already drunk and here's nothing you can do about it." I said looking at Tom*. "The damage is done. Let me get him in the shower and get him to bed." I looked at both of and they nodded. "Tomorrow he's going to have a killer hangover so that's punishment enough." I gave both a kiss on the cheek and excused myself making my way to Tom* and cursing all the way. I don't get why I still care so much, I should leave him to make a fool of himself and be with my boyfriend, but why isn't my body listening to me? Why do I keep walking to Tom*?

Tom* was two seconds away from passing out, so I quickly convinced him to help me help him get him upstairs to the shower, he put an arm around me and held himself up, I struggled to get him upstairs and Tom¨ came to my rescue, carrying him like a trash bag, I thank him and apologized and when we got to one of the rooms I closed the door and walked to a drunk Tom* who was in the bed. I started stripping him and I asked Tom¨ to turn on the shower. I left Tom* in his boxers and put him inside the shower. He slowly started to open his eyes.

"I'm tired." He said, I was on my knees trying to get every part of his body wet. "Am I naked?" He said touching his bare chest. I laughed and shook my head. "Good, I wouldn't want Tom•• see my penis." He laughed and Tom¨ and I rolled our eyes.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." I said turning off the shower and wrapping Tom* in a towel, I grabbed the clothes the Russo brothers gave me for Tom* to change. He managed to take out his boxers and put on some dry ones, I helped him get dressed and Tom¨ helped me tuck him to bed. As soon as his head touched the pillow he completely passed out. "Thanks, hun and I'm really sorry about this." I touched his arm and looked at him completely sorry for ruining this night. He turned his body to me, the gap between us was quite large he started to close it and as a reflex I backed up until my back touched the door, we were so closed I could feel his breathing in my forehead. I looked up and he was staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't move.

He stared at my parted lips and he bit his lower lip, I wanted to kiss the hell out of him and I guess he read my mind because next thing I know our lips collided, his lips were soft and tasted like champagne with a hint of strawberry. At first I was scared but in a couple of seconds my mouth gave in and synced with his. I moved my hands to his neck and pulled him closer, his hands traveled to my waist making me stand on my tip toes, the kiss was getting hotter and then I remembered we weren't alone in the room. "Tom." I said in between kisses and Tom¨ broke the kiss, raising and eyebrow.

"Love, are you okay?." I laughed and shook my head. I looked behind his shoulder and pointed at Tom* who was snoring. He nodded and kissed me again. I broke the kiss and opened the door, leading him to another room.

He stared deeply into my eyes making me give in in seconds, i stood up on my tip toes and grabbed him by the neck pulling him for a kiss, he grabbed my waist making me shrike, he giggled and gently pushed me to the bed. He got on top of me holding himself with his elbows, he kissed my neck and then my collarbone.

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