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"I'm so glad we get to spend time together." Liz said grabbing a piece of pizza.

"Yeah, we all really had a good time in Comic-Con. If it wasn't for you it would've been hell." Scar looked at her phone to a picture Chris Evans sent her of the boys having a "pals night" all in their pajamas. "Doesn't Tom look cute?"

"Well, yeah, I guess. His blue eyes really stand out with that shirt." Scar looked at me confused.

"I was talking about Holland." My smile vanished.

"What's the deal with all of you?" I asked turning the music down. "I mean, yeah he is cute and all but what's the deal?"

"You would look cute together and Tom could use a girlfriend, you're nice, kind, fun, gorgeous, the whole package." Liz said showing me a kind smile. "I'm sorry if we are being to pushy, we know you just met." She sighed. "But we are leaving soon and we'd hate to see both of you regret something that could've happened."

"I really appreciate your concern about our love life, but I think we should just be friends and maybe after we can see what happens, you know?" They nodded and gave me a hug.

"Anyway, Seb told us you are going to be with us tomorrow again." Liz said.

"I am?" I raised an eyebrow, because I already have my assignment for tomorrow and it doesn't say anything about them.

"Yeah, he is going to ask for you again." Scar said turning the music up again. I didn't say nothing I just nodded and changed the subject about the new movie. Even though they can't say nothing about it, they told me to ask Tom and he probably would spill some tea.

Scar and Liz spent the night in my room, we went to bed at 2:00 am laughing about their experiences and my childhood stories. I cannot wait for tomorrow to begin.

Guys another chapter is here, go VOTE and COMMENT, let me know what you think.

Love u!


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