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[Tom🕷, You]

how are you feeling?

I m not sick or anything I just didn't bring a
swimsuit 🙃
So, I took a shower and ordered pizza
want some?

Be right there, maybe we could watch
a bunch of movies

How about a sleepover, like when we were kids
you know?

Count me in, see ya in a bit

Real Life ∆

Tom knocked on my door and I opened the door with a smile. "Hey"

"Hey, nice pajamas." He said. "I brought candy."

"Uh, nice" i took the candy from him and placed them in the bed. "So, what movie do you feel like watching?" I opened a bag of gummy bears he brought.

"Um, i don't know, maybe a romantic comedy or an action movie."

"I was thinking to watch my favorite movie." I smiled and showed him.

"She's the man?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, have you seen it." He shook his head. "Are you serious!?" He nodded. "Say no more, you're gonna love it!" I clicked play and just in time the pizza arrived. We grabbed a piece and laid down in bed. The movie started and in the first twenty minutes Tom was laughing his ass off.

"I can't believe I never saw that movie, it's hilarious." He said wiping a couple of tears from his face.

"Yeah me neither, you missed a lot." We both laughed and before we knew it we were staring in each other's eyes. I broke the eye contact because it was starting to feel a little awkward.

"Why is this your favorite movie? I mean don't get me wrong it's a great movie, but why?" He asked raising his hands defending himself and I giggled at his action.

"Well first of all she is a bad ass and second of all, she just wants to prove everyone wrong despite everyone's opinion, she fights for what she believes in and last of all she is a bad ass." My voice rose as I'm expressing my feelings towards the movie, I love Viola, because she is fighting for equity and proving that every girl deserves to be treated the same as boys no matter her strength or her femininity o whatever. I just wished people saw it the way I see it. I put a strand of hair behind my ear and exhaled. "Sorry about that." I apologized for exaggerating.

"Don't be, I like it when people get excited about things they are passionate about and I can tell you are passionate about equity." I smiled with relieve. I'm glad Tom gets it.

Don't you love when people get you? I know I do, it's easier to get along with them.
Btw if you haven't seen She's The Man I'm going to leave the trailer in the header.
Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.

Love u!


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