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"Hey." My best friend Jenn said as she sat down on my bed. "Are you okay?" She asked placing her hand on top of mine.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I said rubbing my eyes, hiding the fact that I was crying. "Whats up?"

"Well before we start winter break I thought we could go out for a couple of days to the beach. My mom said we could go to the beach house." Jenn said pointing at the door to her pink suitcase. "We leave tonight." She helped me get up and take out a suitcase and helped me pack. Throughout the packing Jenn tried really hard to get me to talk because I obviously wasn't okay, but I didn't want to talk about it so she let it go.


I clicked my tongue, shaking my head while cracking my knuckles. My shoes tapped against the dirty tiles of the hallway as my eyes flared down the hallway where my best friend was talking to the rest of our friends. Of course I was welcome to join but I didn't feel so comfortable joining the seemingly interesting conversation. I looked down and waited for Jenn to open the door, as she opened it we saw the huge living room with an amazing view to the beach. I set my stuff in one of the bedrooms and started unpacking, putting my clothes in the drawers and left one bathing suit out so I can change after we eat.
The weather was warm and sunny, perfect to lay and get a tan.

"Hey, whats up with you?" Jenn asked entering my room sitting on the bed, I shrugged my shoulders and started to get undressed. "Don't give me that shit." Jenn always knew everything about me, even if o didn't say a word, with just a look she knew something was up.

"I know it's sounds cheesy or whatever, but I miss Tom." I tried to show a smile. "I know I'll go visit next week, but it's been too long and I feel that when I see him it won't be the same, I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting." I giggled and she gave me a tight hug.

"Yeah, I get it, but you know what? You are here now in the beach with all of your friends, so get dressed and we'll wait for you downstairs with a margarita and a tequila shot." She rubbed my back and gave me a kiss on the cheek leaving me alone in my room to change.




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tagged: jenn.cooper


username: i just really love this

username: beautiful✨ and prbly
drunk hahaha

username: babies❤️

username: username we need to take
a picture like this

username: you are both adorable

emmallen: one question: how
drunk were you? 😂😂

username: can't wait for you to be
with Tom again!

username: her legs are full of
mosquito bites

hazosterfield: mate, we need to go out
once you get here

username: the fact that Haz calls Tris
mate, gives me life ❤️

username: Love stephs outfit

username: follow me tris!

tomholland2013: 😍❤️

username: I bet she cheated on tom
like last time

username: can u not? ^

jenn.cooper ^

robertdowneyjr: kiiid stop drinking,
you're not old enough!

trisallen: yes I am Papa
robertdowneyjr// miss u monkey

username: can't get over the fact about
their nicknames 😻

username: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

username: how tall are you?

username: TWO QUEENS 👑

username: nice shot

username: princesa 😍

username: follow my insta

chrisevans: so the person who took
this was also drunk? #blurry

username: quoting 21pilots 🙌🏼

WE MADE iT TO 1k READS, thank you so much guys, I've put a lot into this book, especially because it's in English and it's not my native language so thank you thank you thank you. There are more chapters to come and I hope you keep enjoying them!
Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.

Love u!


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