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A/N: hey so I've never done a chapter including any phone calls so if a dialogue is in parentheses that means is a voice in the background.


Incoming call from Monkey 🙊😍
accept          decline


"Where are you Tom? What's going

"I...I'm really sorry (Tom hang up
and come back to bed)"

"Wow you really have balls to call me
while you're in someone else's bed."

"Tris, please I'm so sorry."

"I really don't think you are otherwise
you wouldn't have called me and
instead you would've come to our room
and apologize to my face, but I guess
your just like every guy I've dated."

"I can explain."

"Oh, you can? Well maybe another
day I would loooove to hear your
shitty excuses but now you listen, okay?"

It's was silent at the other end of the line so I guess he understands.

"Good. Let me tell you something Tom,
when we started dating I specifically
asked for you to tell me the truth. It
was the only fucking thing I asked, but
I guess telling the truth is not in you. I
personally want to congratulate you on
keeping a secret for so long—"


"Oh and still you have the audacity to
interrupt me? No honey, that's not how
it works; I talk you listen. How could I
ever trust anything you say after all of this?
So let me make this easier for you, right
here, right now I'm telling you we. are. done.
Have a nice life!

"No, don't do this Tris!"

"Why not? Cus you'll suffer? Because it
already hurts? Well right now I'm too
pissed to give a fuck."

"Darling, give me another chance.
I'm on my way. Please forgive me."

"We are all sorry when it's too late.
we're all so fucking sorry, but sorry
doesn't fix anything, because words
have been said and things have already
been done, and sorry is just another
lame excuse for ourselves to feel better."

"Please stay with me, I know I
fucked up but I'll try my best to
change for you."

"It took you five months to fall
in love with me and five hours
to fuck her, so fuck you."

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