More Secrets Than Lies

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"That's the coolest car I have ever seen!" Caith exclaimed as Merrick showed her his new car... which, seeing as he had no clue how to drive it, he'd gotten for her.

"Good... cause it's yours." Merrick tossed her the keys.

"You're kidding." Caith decided, "Dude... how'd you even buy one of these?!"

They were staring at a bronze and silver shaded 1983 Mazda RX-7.

Caith had been eyeing it from the Tuesday after the whole Anchor problem, which was a week ago, and Merrick had finally scrounged up enough money to give it to her since she wouldn't shut up about it.

"Well... I got the others to help." He shrugged, "You wouldn't stop talking about it."

"It's the first Mazda RX ever made! Of course, I wouldn't!" Caith brushed her hands against the exterior, looking through the window at the interior, then up at him, "Wait... why aren't you driving it?"

"I don't have a license... remember?"

"Oh..." Caith nodded before her eyes went wide, "Oh shit!" She pulled out her real wallet and cursed under her breath, "And... according to this... I won't have mine for another six years!" She groaned loudly.

"How exactly do we get driver's license anyway?" Merrick questioned.

Caith sighed, and looked over at him, "We're gonna need to go to the DMV first."


"How did you...?"

"You think I'm a natural born idjit?" Caith showed him some of Willie's records, "I asked... then begged."

"Okay... so... what now?" He asked as the two walked into the DMV, which was almost empty.

"Easy..." She walked up to the counter, "Excuse me?"

The lady behind it looked up at her, "May I help you?"

"Yeah... my friend and I are 18 and I'm here to fix a mistake on my driver's license while he is here to test for his permit."

The lady looked at her, then Merrick then back at Caith,

"May I see it?"

Caith nodded and gave her driver's license.

"18 you say?" The lady looked at Caith long and hard.

"Yes." Caith nodded stiffly, "I don't know why it has 1992 as the year."

The lady then looked at Merrick, who seemed to be getting fidgety, "Alright... you can take your test..." She gave Caith a book, and, in turn, Caith gave the book to Merrick, "Just study up for a few minutes."

"Easy." Caith assured him.


It was not.

Merrick was second-guessing himself the whole time, but Caith seemed to have full belief in him.

Merrick walked out and saw Caith smirking. "Did something happen?"

"Well... I'm not the only driving expert in our group." Caith showed him his new permit, "You passed."

"That's great!" Merrick took it in his hands.

"Yeah... now..." Caith looked at the DMV, "I need my license fixed... please."

Caith had to take a driver's test.

She passed with flying colors.

And was now driving the '83 Mazda down the road, with Merrick in the shotgun.

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