A Lonely Way part IV

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Merrick grunted as he got up the next morning, and noticed the absence of Caith and her bag in the bed next to his.

"First chance I get... I'll be dragging her back." Merrick vowed softly.


Merrick was sweeping the floor close to the pool table when he noticed a man with a flannel shirt and a worn out baseball cap sitting with a girl who had a freakishly young resemblance to Caith sitting at the counter.

"What can I get you?" Willie asked them.

"I'll have a pork sandwich." The man replied with a gruff voice.

"Alright. What about you, Miss?" He looked at the girl.

"Meatiest meal you've got!... Please." If the resemblance wasn't enough... she sounded like Caith too! She just sounded a lot more hopeful and innocent.

"Wow... wanna get something on those bones, huh?" Merrick smiled at her.

The girl glanced at him, and smiled, "Yeah... I love me some meat!"

Merrick chuckled softly, before he shook his head, so innocent, and yet... still the same smile and appetite for meat.

"So... what are you doing here?" He asked kindly.

"We were just in town to check on some friends of ours." She explained while Merrick sat down beside them and Willie went to make their meals. "They came by asking about pollution... uh..." She looked at the older man, "Right dad?"

Merrick's eyes went a little wide. The man beside her is her dad?! Bobby Singer?!

"Yeah... don't know why though." Bobby shrugged.

Merrick cleared his throat softly then looked at the younger Caith and noticed her bracelet, "Hey... what's that?"

"Oh... this? It's a gift from dad for my birthday a few years ago." She replied frowning, before Willie came back out with their meals and it grew into a grin, "Yay! Meat!" She tucked right into that thing and started devouring it like there was no tomorrow.

Merrick, Willie, and Bobby all looked at her before they all started chuckling.

"You can breath at any time." They chorused.

Caith lifted her head up, and wiped her mouth on her sleeve as she finished her bite, "I know that."

Merrick smiled at her before clearing his throat and looking at Bobby, "Hey... uh... do I know you from somewhere?" 'Do I know you from somewhere?' Yeah... the Caith he knew would've caught the bluff within seconds.

"He owns an Auto Salvage shop in South Dakota." The younger version informed him, "That's probably it."

Merrick shook his head and looked at Bobby, "Could I talk to you alone for a second?"

"Sure." He nodded and got up with the Ranger, walking over to the pool table, "What is it?"

"Uh... first... I'd like to say... please don't get pissed...." Merrick started, "And... I know you're a Monster Hunter."

Bobby frowned, then growled, "How did you-"

"I found out... by this friend of mine... seems to know a...." Merrick thought of the first name Caith told him that popped into his head, "Rufus Turner.... Who seems to know you..."

Bobby sighed, "Best friend since I started."

"Great... uh... question though..." Merrick gulped, "Do you know anything about Were anchors?"

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