A Fall From a Tree (Gabriel is so dead!)

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Caith Singer sighed as she walked the parameter of her new base town, Beacon Hills.

She was bored out of her mind. She and her Pack had come back to town after a friend of theirs basically destroyed himself.

They'd checked every lead, still nothing weird in her department going on.

Now... back to her other barely exciting and more borderline terrifying life as a one of a kind Wereboar.

"Damn I need something better to do!" She moaned. The sound of wings flapping made her hit her face, then hold out her other arm. "Anywhere but that TV dimension, Gabriel."

A man with a cocky smile rolled his eyes, then touched her arm. "Good luck in the past."

Within moments, Caith felt her whole body disappear, as she blacked out.


Merrick Baliton groaned softly as he opened his eyes, to sunset. A few days after being locked away for 3,000 years, and he's still not used to it.

He turned his head to the side, long enough to see someone falling out of some trees.

His eyes went wide, and he rushed over to them. Them, turning out to be a girl, with a big bag hanging off her shoulder. "Hey... are you okay? Can you hear me?" He shook her gently. "Hey... wake up...."

The girl groaned loudly as she opened her eyes. "Ung.... dear God that hurts...."
"Are you okay?" Merrick asked again.

"Dude, I just said 'Dear God that hurts'." She grunted, trying to sit up, then grabbed her chest and laid back down in pain, her bag slipping off her arm.

"Careful." Merrick repositioned himself, so he could look her over, "Where does it hurt the most?"

"Are most men built stupid?" She mumbled, and he barely understood it, then said louder, "My chest... I think I broke something..."

"Let me see..." He moved her hand gently from her chest, then froze, "No visual damage here.... Uh.... I'll have to...."

"Just lift it up." She rolled her eyes, then groaned and shut them tight from the action, "Ow..."

Merrick slowly raised up her shirt, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, "I still don't see anything..." He quickly lowered it again.

The girl smiled softly at him, "Thanks.... name's Caith... Caith Singer."

"Merrick Baliton." Merrick nodded, "Do you mind if I call you Faith?"

"No... my... well... a friend of mine calls me that..." She replied simply.

"Oh...." He nodded slowly, "Do you wanna try to sit up?"

"Yeah..." She nodded before she moved her hands to her side, and slowly pushed herself up.

"How'd you get in that tree anyway?" Merrick looked up at said plant.

"Uh... I climbed it." Merrick couldn't tell if she was lying or being sarcastic.

"Really?" He raised a brow.

"Yep." She nodded softly, then held her head in pain, "God I'm gonna need to down a bottle..." She tried to reach for the bag, but Merrick beat her to it.

"Which one?" He looked through it, without noticing her obvious panic.

"The... uh... thin fat one." She replied.

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