A Lonely Way part II

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Merrick was pacing back and forth in front of the Roadhouse, worry clear on his face.

"We made a deal!" He snarled, "We made a deal, and she broke it!"

"Not true." Caith's voice called out and he stopped and turned to see her, completely clothed, rushing up to him, "I just... tried to find a back alley with a clothes dumpster to put some on."

Merrick frowned, not buying it, but nodded, "Okay... well... Willie's needing some help with the wood... and I could use some help getting it." He pointed to the back side of the Roadhouse.

"Sure." 'Caith' nodded, and walked to the back.

Merrick watched her, then shook his head, "She's back... at least that counts."


"Something's not right!" Danny decided as he and the team sat around a table in town, "That scream we heard.... That had to have been Caith."

"If it was, she would've called us." Cole reasoned.

"Yeah, and Caith can take care of herself." Alyssa took a sip of her drink.

"I agree with Danny," Max shook his head, "Something's not right... Caith would've been by to grab a bite by now... I know her morning routine... as creepy as that sounds."

Cole and Taylor shook their heads, "I don't buy it."


The real Caith was waking up and slowly getting back up, 'I... need to find... that bitch!'

She looked around, and started sniffing for any familiar scent before she got one... and she knew this was a bad sign.

It was Merrick's.


The Wereboar silently made her way to the roadhouse, where she saw her fake laughing and helping Merrick.

Every last will of her remaining humanity was forcing her boar instincts from kicking in and attacking her fake... and that was saying something because she herself wanted to kill it right then and there.

"You know... you're really funny sometimes." Her fake noted.

Merrick smirked softly, and shrugged, "Yeah... well... thanks."

Steam came out of Caith's mouth and the fact that she didn't want Merrick to see her like this was the only thing keeping her still.

"Hey... did you hear Willie was having a Pool tournament soon." Merrick informed her fake, and the Real one's eyes went wide. How the hell couldn't he see that he was talking to a fake?!

"Merrick!" Caith wanted to snarl at the Ranger but knew she'd get ignored.

The only thing that could understand a Were was another Were.


Merrick jolted a bit when he heard an all too familiar voice in his mind. Then shook it off and looked at Caith.

"You gonna enter?" She asked with a raised brow.

Merrick chortled softly, then shook his head, "Nah... I don't think it'd be fair to the other competitors."

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