A Lonely Way part I

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Caith grunted as she got up a week after the last battle.

Merrick was in the bathroom attached to their room, brushing his teeth, so Caith took the time to go over her weapons, seeing as how a full moon was tonight, and she didn't trust the Rangers enough to fight an actual monster.

She sighed as she double checked everything that was there. "All accounted for... except for my bracelet..."

"You're still upset about that thing?" Merrick walked out, a towel over his shoulders since he also got done with a shower.

"Yes and... geez! Put a shirt on!" She threw his shirt at him.

"Yeesh... alright." Merrick took the towel off, and put on the shirt, before he walked over to her, "Now... what's wrong?"

"I don't have my bracelet!" Caith sighed heavily, "I've had it since I started hunting! And thanks to your stupid attempt to redeem yourself with the Rangers... I lost it!"

"Can't you get a new one?" Merrick questioned.

Caith looked at the wall ahead of her, and said in a forced calm voice, "No, Merrick, I can't... cause if you haven't noticed...." Her voice went straight to anger as she glared at him, "It's one of a kind!"

Merrick held up his hands, "Hey, I'm only asking."

Caith sighed as she turned and leaned against her bed, propping her right knee up, and resting her right arm on it, "I know.... it's just... the dagger turns into... it's really special to me... it's... it's my memento..." She leaned her head on the top of the bed and groaned.

"Faith..." Merrick pulled her to her feet, "This is more than your weapon.... isn't it?"

Caith nodded, "It's the only thing I have that reminds me of where I started.... That I can do good, not bad..."

Merrick nodded softly, before he looked at her watch, "I think you should get to work... I need to go somewhere for a few."


"Just trust me." Merrick held up a hand, "I'll be back in... two hours... at most." With that, he headed out.

Caith sighed, then went to the front of the Roadhouse, "He so owes me..."


Merrick looked around for that bracelet Caith had dropped where they fought the Quadra Org... no sign of it yet.

"Where could it be?!" He hissed as he looked.

"Eh... hem..." Two male voices got his attention, and he slowly got up from where he was squatting.

He turned around and saw a man with green eyes and a slightly taller man with shaggy hair. "Can I help you?" He asked cautiously.

"What are you doing sneaking around a beach?" The one with Shaggy hair questioned.

"Uh..." Merrick shrugged, "Looking for a bracelet I dropped a week ago..."

The one with green eyes blinked before he held up Caith's silver piece of jewelry, "This it?"

"Yes.... that's it... thanks.." Merrick tried to grab it when he pulled it away.

"Why would you, a guy, want a bracelet?" He asked.

"Uh... it's... for a girl... friend of mine..." Merrick replied.

"But you said you lost it a week ago." The man with Shaggy hair reasoned.

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