Chapter 1

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Optimus felt himself falling and falling, he heard the wind rushing past his audio receptors. Optimus opened his optics and saw that he was falling from the sky that was now blood red with black clouds. Optimus then felt searing pain as his body hit the ground and a few trees.

Colors blurred, Optimus could see light blue signaling that he was leaking energon, where from he couldn't tell with all the pain Optimus then heard loud engines which did not help with the blurring colors.Optimus shifted trying to move but the engines got louded and the closer they got the more Optimus realized that the engines weren't vehicles. The engines were the last thing Optimus heard before everything went black.

Starscream POV

Me and Soundwave flew around in the sky while Soundwave's cassettes flew along side of us twirling and doing tricks, My scanners then caught sight of spilled energon. I signalled Soundwave and then me, him, and the minicons were off in that direction.

Only a few moments after did we see sight of a crash landing we quickly landed and ran towards the injured bot, he was leaking badly "Soundwave call Knockdown we're going to need him!" I ordered the surveillance chief. "Aye Aye bruh" Soundwave said.

I walked up to injured bot and flipped him over I gasped and backed up in shock. I then studied his face he wasn't Optronix that was for sure. I put pressure on a gash in his side moments after a yellow vortex opened and out walked Knockdown

 I put pressure on a gash in his side moments after a yellow vortex opened and out walked Knockdown

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He quickly ran over and started to repair the mysterious bot "He looks like Optronix...but...some how it's not." Knockdown said while fixing the gash that I put pressure on "A clone maybe?" I asked him "Possibly." Knockdown answered.

"Let's take him back to the ship I can repair him there." Knockdown said while getting up. Brakeline then walked up and picked up the Optronix clone and we walked into the yellow vortex and ended up on the Paradox.

Optimus POV

I heard voices and I felt myself being moved to a different place I heard what sounded like bickering. I shifted a bit and the voices got clearer "Is.....awake?" is all I could make out from a voice "Trying......wake" A voice closer that the other said. Where was I? Where is Ratchet? Why can't I see anything? Who were these bots?

I listened for more voices but they appeared to have vanished the only sound I could hear was the sound of beeping. I shifted then every thing came into focus I was in a med bay of sorts I sat up and looked around I saw medical tools laying about an energon cube a ways away. I looked to see myself repaired and fixed but scars remain.

I turned to the sound of doors opening I looked over to see Knockout? Odd Knockout is too vain to ever change his paint job much less even leave it in the condition that it's in now. "Ah I see your awake." The blue Knockout said.....odd no flirting no teasing....who was this?

"Where am I?" I asked him. He looked over at me in surprise and a bit of shock, it was a genuine confused question why did he look so shocked? "You're on the Paradox, a ship." He told me "Could I get your name?" He asked kindly. Now this really wasn't Knockout not at all.

"As long as I can get yours in return." I told him He looked thoughtful then he nodded "Optimus.""Knockdown." We traded names "It's nice to meet you Knockdown." I told him kindly Now that really floored him he sputtered a bit before regaining his posture.

The door opened again and a Starscream look alike walked in

He looked at me "Ah I see that you are awake are you doing well?" He asked kindly

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He looked at me "Ah I see that you are awake are you doing well?" He asked kindly....this wasn't Starscream. I could only nod in shock Where was I? Whats with all the look alikes? WHY ARE THE DECEPTICONS BEING NICE? The Starscream look alike looked pleased with my answer.

He gave a nod to me "I haven't introduced myself yet have I? My name is Starscream Second in Command to Megatron Prime." Starscream said with a bow....I've gone crazy...what tricks are the Matrix trying to pull because I swear I just heard him say Megatron Prime.

"Optimus." I said back to him he gave a cheerful nod "Now that the introductions are out of the way. "

"Megatron Prime would like to see you Optimus"

Word count 771

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