Chapter 29

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"Mom," I mumble. After that conversation with Selena, I went home and went to my room. I just laid on my bed, thinking, hurting. Until I realized that I need to talk to someone. If Liam is here, I wouldn't hesitate to tell him everything and then my mom crossed my mind. I told her a secret or two but I'm not that open to her. Not because I'm shy, but it's just because I don't. "Can I tell you something?"

We're currently sitting on the couch, watching some news. I don't normally watch the news so that's why my mom's a bit surprised when I joined her in the living room. Well, I bet she's even surprised that I'm not in my room because I mostly spend the rest of my day there and I'll just get out when it's dinner time.

"What is it, honey?" She asks softly. The tone of her voice makes me want to break down. To cry.

I gulp the lump in my throat and take a deep breath. "It's about Luke."

She smiles warmly at me as she turns off the television. She shifts on her seat so she's now facing me. I change position too so I have my legs crossed then I tell her everything. I even tell her good memories Luke and I shared and I find myself smiling or laughing as I tell them.

"...and you know that feeling that even neither of you says a word, you're still happy. You know that you can spend a day or even weeks with him, not saying a word and that's okay as long as you guys are together."

I go on and on until we finally come to the worst part. I tell her about the dinner, about Luke's mom, about how Luke told me that he will finally introduce me to his mom, about me feeling that something bad will happen and about Luke being engaged to Selena and how I broke up with him.

I'm almost crying when I finished the story, but I take a few deep breaths from time to time, hoping that it will calm me down and I can control my emotions.

"Do you love him?" Mom asks. The tone of her voice is still so soft and comforting. I had never appreciated how such a good listener my mom is. I always take it for granted. I always thought that she's just doing it because she needs to, because she's my mom, but now I realize that it's because she loves me and she surely cares for me.

"Y-yes." My voice breaks as I start sobbing.

She sighs as she pulls me into a motherly hug. This is what I truly need right now. Someone who can really understand me and always knows what to do because I'm her daughter and she's my mom. She'll always be there for me no matter what.

We stay like that for a minute or two. While I'm sobbing, she's slowly rubbing my back and then I slowly pull away from her, wiping my tears away. "I never had a chance to thank you for buying me a new phone when I lost it."


The next day, I'm fully sure that I will tell Luke to stay away from me. We're just making it so hard for ourselves when we already know that we can't really be together. There are just people who will cross your life and you will think that they're the one, but they are just another obstacle for the person who is really for you.

I come in school earlier than normal. My first class wouldn't start until fifteen minutes so I decide to wait for Sam in the cafeteria. I already texted her saying that I'm already in school. I still don't know when will I talk to Luke. I'm thinking either in lunch or after class, but since he's avoiding me too, I guess in lunch time because he might instantly go home if I'll talk to him after class.

"Hey." Sam greets as she arrives ten minutes later. "You're early."

"I know." I shrug. "How are you?"

She's doing well with handling this pregnant thing though she still doesn't know how to tell it to her parents and she and Calum are still not in speaking terms. She sighs quietly with my question. Maybe she thought I didn't hear it, but I did.

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