Chapter 4

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It has been a few days since the party. I drove Sam home and walked my way back even though it was around three in the morning. I've been awkward around Luke since then because of the 'little incident'. Long story short, he walked away after that and went back in the game room. I waited for a few minutes before coming back so the other boys wouldn't notice we ran into each other. Thankfully, he kept his mouth shut about it.

"Hey," Sam waves her hand in front of my face and snaps me out of my thoughts. I stare at her blankly for a few seconds. "Still with me?"

We are having lunch in the cafeteria and I'm eating a bag of chips and a Coke again.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumble. "What were you saying?"

She sighs and says, "It's Luke's birthday today."

I sip on my soda. "Then?"

"Seriously," She says, putting down the fork she's holding. "You've been so rude to him since the party."

I shrug. "I've been rude to him ever since we met."

"I mean, even more than usual."

"Oh, drop it, Sam," I groan. "It's his birthday, okay? Now, what do you want me to do? Bake him some cake, give him a card, take him out on a date? I just don't care, okay? If you're trying to make a nice relationship between Luke and I just like yours with Calum then stop, it's not happening."

Those words came out of my mouth without me thinking properly and the moment I was finished, I wanted to take them back. I wasn't planning on saying it that way.

"Sorry," She mutters as she grabs her fork and continues eating her salad.

I sigh as I reach out to her hand resting on the table. "I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry for being rude to you. I know what you're trying to do, but I don't want it to happen, okay? You know me. You know how much I want to stay away from them and you also know that it's okay with me if you still want to be friends with them. I'm really sorry."

She smiles weakly at me and says, "It's okay, Caroline. I understand."

"Aww, both of you look so sad!" I've been so familiar with that voice since it always comes out from nowhere and in unexpected times. Before I could even turn my head to them, they are already sitting down on the seats around the table.

"What do you want, guys?" I sigh. I'm seriously not in the mood to tolerate them right now.

"As you can notice," Calum starts, and I know he would say that Luke is not with them because that's an obvious fact. "We left Luke in the hallway because he's being crowded with girls who are trying to give him birthday gifts and such."

"You just left him? You just left your own best friend there?" I ask in disbelief. And seriously, I need to hit my head on a wall because when I finished my sentence, I know I'd made another mistake.

Michael smirks. "Are you worried?"

The other two boys and Sam try to stop themselves from laughing. I swear to god, they really love it when they tease me about Luke. I never find it funny, of course, but it feels like there's an inside joke that I don't know about. Once they tease me about Luke, they find it ridiculously funny.

"No!" I bark.

"I bet you ten bucks Luke is annoyed as hell right now," Ashton giggles.

Michael chuckles and says, "I'm sure he is."

"Is it always like this?" I ask out of the blue, making them look at me. "I mean, you guys getting this attention, is it normal to you?"

Calum shrugs. "I guess?"

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