Chapter 10

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"Can you get some milk on the other aisle?" Mom asks as she scans her grocery list while I push the grocery cart. We've been shopping for almost an hour now and I'm starting to feel tired. "I'll just get some laundry soap."

Nodding lazily, I push the cart with me as I walk towards the aisle where the milk is. I grab two boxes of milk of what we usually buy and place it in the cart. As I begin walking towards the aisle where the laundry soap is, I suddenly remember Luke's offer to meet me this Saturday.

I never actually thought about it since that night. Long story short, he just left that night and we never talked again, but I saw him occasionally at school. Mom even told me that he's cute and if he's the guy I slept with when I've missed school that one time. I didn't actually answer her because I know she will just tease me more if I tell her the truth.

Sighing, I check the time on my phone. 6:12pm.

Will he actually go and meet me up there? I start to worry when I notice that it is actually raining so hard outside right now. Wait, why am I worrying? I supposed to not care about Luke because I hate him and I bet if he actually goes, he wouldn't risk on getting wet just to wait for me.

So, after ten minutes or so, we're finally done with our shopping. The line in the cashier is long that it takes us another ten minutes. My mom opens her umbrella when we exit the grocery store as I push the cart. I don't know why but I can't get Luke off my head. I've been thinking if he really goes on the front of the Starbucks even with this hard pouring rain.

As a run a hand through my hand, I finally give up. I know this will just bother me for the rest of the night.

"Mom, did you bring another umbrella?" I ask as we reach her car. She nods as she unlocks the car. "I'll borrow it. Just go home now. I just need to go somewhere. I'll go home later, don't worry."

Before she can protest, I grab the umbrella from the back seat and start running away from her. Thank God the Starbucks he was talking about isn't that far from here. I can actually just walk and I think it will just take me five minutes or something. Although I'm already going, there's still a part of me expecting to not see Luke there. There's still a chance that he isn't there. You know that dork, he can do anything that will cross his mind.

But when I reach the front of the Starbucks, I'm even still a bit far from it, I can already see a tall figure standing on the street. When I'm finally closer to him, I can see him hugging his body, hoping that it would give him some warm from this hard rain.

"Jesus Christ. Luke Hemmings, wh-"

"You're late." He says, cutting me off, as he continues to rub his arms. His clothes are soaking wet and his hair is a mess right now. He looks like in some dramatic movie.

"I, um, I didn't know you mean it." I say before biting my bottom lip. I feel so guilty right now.

He rolls his eyes at me. "I told you I'm serious."

"But you never talk to me again after you've said it!" My voice raises a little, but that's true. I mean, I guess if he talked to me about this after that night, I might actually believe him and come on time.

"So this is still my fault?" He spat.

As I take a deep breath, I simply look at him, before taking a step closer so he can share with my umbrella even if I know this wouldn't make him less cold, but I know this is the least thing that I can do.

"I'm still cold." He mumbles.

"Why you didn't go inside the Starbucks?" I ask.

"Who knows what kind of idiot you are." He says. Yeah, typical Luke. "Probably if you see me not standing right in front of this goddamn coffee shop then you might think that I didn't show up that you wouldn't even bother to check inside."

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