Chapter 14

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The cotillion went fast even though it's a ten-minute dance. Maybe because I felt that feeling again. Where everything around me suddenly vanished the moment the song started playing and I was inches away from Luke. His eyes never left mine and he was holding my hand tighter than before. Probably he thought I didn't notice but I can feel his other hand drawing circles on my back as we dance.

I can't say it was awkward because it wasn't really. I felt comfortable around him and I guess I wouldn't replace him if I have a chance. and I don't really know what had gotten to me to be saying these things.

"My partner really doesn't know how to dance." Michael complains as he walks back to us alone.

"As though you know how." Calum teases, smirking.

"At least I'm not that bad." He barks, rolling his eyes.

"Where is she, though?" Ashton asks before sipping on his drink.

Michael shrugs. "I ditched her."

"Did you really just ditch a girl on her prom?" I ask in disbelief. Because I swear if Luke does that to me, I will seriously kill him. For fuck's sake, it's prom night! I know most of the boys don't appreciate it but prom means a lot to a girl and it's supposed to be perfect.

Michael scoffs. "Oh, come on. I can already see her from here flirting with a new guy."

The whole prom goes smoothly. I don't actually want the night to end because I'm in such a good mood and I really feel so beautiful tonight. Though we all know that the prom isn't just the highlight of this night. Of course, who wouldn't think about the after party? The teachers are clueless about this. It's actually just 5sos who have planned everything and we all know that once 5sos throws a party, everyone will go.

The party will be held beside the beach which is near at our school. Everyone starts to clear off the gym and makes their way to the beach. Bonfires, music, beers and red cups are already waiting for us.

When we reach Luke's car, he opens the door for me then I climb in. Sam and Calum already left and also Michael who left alone. Ashton and Mia are just about to leave like us.

"I'm sorry if I'm a bad prom partner." Luke says as he starts the engine.

I chuckle. "You're not that bad."

"I really don't want to go tonight." He states as he starts to drive. I turn my head to him so I can see his face and he's actually serious about it.

I have no idea that there was actually chance my prom night will be ruined if Luke changed his plan.

"Why did you still go?" I ask.

"If I'm going with a different girl," He says. "I will definitely ditch her, but it's you we're talking about and I know you will kill me if I did."

I can't help but to blush. I really don't know how to respond at Luke's honest confession.

"Thanks then." I mumble.

"You seriously look so beautiful tonight." He mumbles after a long silence.

I start to play with my fingers and reply, "Thank you."

"You can get mad at me if you want," He says as he starts tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "But your cleavage was actually distracting me the whole night."

"Luke!" I scold as I hit his thigh.

He laughs. "You have nice boobs honestly."

"Lucas, stop." I can't help but to laugh along with him. This isn't like the first time I get a compliment about my boobs. Though it's always embarrassing when people talk about them.

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