The Forest of Death Pt. 1

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we all walk to the score board in the main hallway of the academy. i look at it and see about 48 names. i activate my sharingan and scan it for all three of our names. i see my name about 13 names from the top, i scan and see mina's name about 20 away from mine and i see tadashi's at the very bottom. i grin and look at them both, "we're in." i say, they both cheer and we walk back to the waiting room, then when all 48 people are in the room, a man about the age of 45 walks in and says "congratulations! you all made it!" he yells.

"I am Josh Yorohai! the proctor of the next part of the exam! Any questions?..." he yells, no one raises there hand, "Good, now follow me!" he continues. about thirty minutes later of walking we finally get to a large fenced off area with a jungle inside. "welcome! To the Forest of death! this is where the next part of the exam will take place!" he yells. someone raises there hand. "yes you." josh says. "so what are we gonna do here?" he asks. "im glad you asked that question!" he yells.

"now the goal of this part of the exam is simple, each team will be given a scroll, either earth or heaven, now in order to make it to the next part of the exam is to get both scrolls, so you start out with one, and if your lucky, you'll end up with two. the rules are... there are none!" hey yells. "now i am gonna call all squads back to that shack, i will give you each a scroll and you will wait for everyone to be given one, once they are all handed out, we will seperate in your squads and be put at different start area's all through out the forest." he finishes.

"how long is this test?" asks someone. "5 days." josh answers. he starts to call everyone to the shack, he calls our team about half way through the list and brings us into the shack. "alright team 7." he says in a whisper so no one outside can hear him. "you are signed up for the heaven scroll." he says smiling and handing tadashi the scroll. "you have thirty seconds to decide who will keep the scroll for safe keeping." he continues.

we all look at each other and then tadashi hands it to me, i shake my head and take it and then put it in his pocket. "they'll suspect that i have it." i whisper. both tadashi and mina nod there heads and we walk out. after about 8 different teams later the proctor walks out and we all follow him. one after another we are each put next to a gate with a light that is red. we are the 5th from last group to be placed. we wait impatiently for the gates to open, but not yet, we look at the clock above the light and it says that it's one minute till the starting time.

"alright, no matter what, we are a team, and teams stick together, i am not planing on losing this. are you?" i say. both of them shake there heads. "good, now lets do this." i say, then a buzzer goes off and the light turns green and the door swings open. we all dash into the unknown when we are in the cover of the tree's we all sit next to a tree and start to plan. we all decide that since tadashi is a sensory type ninja, and i have the sharingan we decided that we would keep watch. we find a large tree through the forest and cover all spots that we can be seen.

then we hear a scream in the distance. then another, the first one sounded like a girl scream, and from the sound of it, it sounded like a girls. i get up and whisper "i'll go check it out." i sneak out of the camp site where we were hiding and run off in the direction of the scream. i get there and activate my sharingan. i pull out a kunai just in case. then i see the girl on the ground in the light of the afternoon sun. "hey are you okay?" i say and start to walk over. no answer. i then get close to her and then she swings out her leg and trips me.

that was to quick for my sharingan to scan! i think, then a few kunai fly from the bushes. "dang it, they trapped me." i say. then my sharingan scans the situation. i act quickly and while im on the ground, roll away to safety from the kunai fire. then i see a paper bomb right where i was. it sets on fire and ignites, i fly backwards and hit a tree.  then a big ball with spikes comes at me at high speed. i jump and use my chakra to grip my feet to the tree.

"well, well, well. what do we have hear?" says someone above me, my sharingan scans him and sees that he has a kunai to my back. "kevin uchiha." says the guy. "wait, hold on, Shikaru?" i say. he nods, i look down and see Chogon Akimichi, and Inari Yamanaka. "that was brilliant, how did you know that i was going to roll. "well thats the natural response." he says shrugging. "c'mon man get to the point," i say. "give us your scroll and we'll leave you alone." he says. "how about, no!" i yell and quickly disarm him of his kunai by smacking his hand away and kicking him in the stomach. he falls of the tree but then a huge human hand catches him, then another huge hand flies at me.

it tries to swat me like a fly and i dodge, i fall off the tree and land in the overgrowth of the forest floor, i then start to form hand signs: snake, tiger, monkey, boar, horse, tiger. "fire style: fireball jutsu!" i yell and jump out i put my hand up to my mouth and fire the large blast of flames. it blows them all back. i then land and pull out two kunai, and dash for the nearest squad member, i grab inari and put both kunai up to her neck. "now, what scroll do you have, or i'll slit her throat!" i yell. they both then spark fear in there eyes. "alright, alright, we'll give you our scroll, they pull out an earth scroll.

"put it down in front of me." i say, shikaru then brings it over and puts it at my feet, then his shadow spreads to mine. "What!" i yell. then i cant move. i look down at him and see he made the rat seal when he had the chance. "inari get away from him." says shikaru. i then let go of her without any control over my body. "d**" i curse. "shadow possession, successful." he says grinning.

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