The Mongekyou Sharingan

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i wake up in a haze, i slowly sit up, i look at the sky, "its night? how long have i been out?" i whisper. i slowly get up, then i remember, "the prince!" i say, i then jump up, my muscles hurt all over and my stomach feels like its been injured. my face stings with the cold nights breeze. i keep running and jumping through the forest's overgrowth. i then hear something up ahead, the clanging of kunai knives against each other. i burst through the under growth and see tadashi, bruised, cut, and exhausted having a kunai fight with the guy that knocked me out.

the prince is hiding behind a tree, i pull out a knife and jump in, i throw it at the guy, he jumps back still not letting his guard down for one minute. he makes a few hand signs: boar, dog, tiger. "ninja art: shadow shuriken jutsu!" he yells throwing a ton of shuriken at tadashi. i then dash and get in the way, i block some with my kunai and 8 hit me where i wasn't guarding. "sharingan." i say, my eyesight gets better and my sharingan activate.

"humph, so i have to fight an uchiha as well as this runt?" he says grunting. "no, just me." i say. "your still not finished?" he asks. i shake my head. "your gonna die here." i say. he laughs, "you, your nothing but a joke, your chakra is being depleted by that eye of yours, you can barely move without holding your stomach, your face looks terrible, oh yeah, because of me." he says laughing some more. "don't... don't you dare... underestimate me." i say. "oh yeah come at me then!" he yells laughing hysterically now.

"tadashi, make sure that kid gets to his country, wheres mina?" i ask, "she's heading to the country to notify them for reinforcements." says tadashi. "k, you go, i'll finish him here." i say. tadashi dashes to the prince and the guy throws some more shuriken, then i pull out my kunai and deflect them. i then start to run at him, we both collide, fists flying, dodging attacks, i then use my sharingan to scan his movement.

i then see him staring at me, thats it! i think. i'll take him out with genjutsu, i think. i stare at his eyes and he doesn't suspect anything. he then stops moving. i then use my kunai and start to slash away at him. then i sense him break away from the genjutsu. i then quickly kick him in the stomach and into a tree, his blood spills onto the dirt in front of him, he holds his bleeding wounds, he looks up and sees me: ox, rabbit, monkey. "chidori!" i yell. this time i focus even harder.

the electricity then blasts out of my hand and engulfs it with lightning. the look on his face changes from confidence to fear for his own life. "no wait pleas!!!" he yells. "TO LATE!" i yell running at him, i close my eyes, then jab it into his chest. blood flies everywhere and my hand is submersed in blood and origins. i open my eyes and see blood all over the place. his face, eyes wide open with fear and pain. i look at my hand and see i jabbed right through him. i grab his shoulder and tear my hand out of his chest.

i look at my hand, in the moonlight the blood shines a purple color. then i hear a few kunai fly at me, then i see sensei jump to the side of me. then a giant white glowing skeleton arm appear in front of me, it blocks all of the kunai. then i see the white chakra is emanating from sensei, "what the heck?" i say. "get ready, because i dont let anyone, and i mean anyone, harm my students, he says opening his eyes. "what the, his sharingan what happened to them?" i whisper.

 "what the, his sharingan what happened to them?" i whisper

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"get ready to fight against the mongekyou sharingan." says sensei. he then opens his eye wide and he starts to tear blood crawl out from his eye lid. "Amaterasu." he says. then the guy in the tree bursts into flames, except these flames are black, not like my fireball jutsu flames. then i hear the man scream, then his screaming ends. then the flames disappear, the guy is no where to be seen. "kevin, are you ok?" he asks. "yeah, but what about your eye?" i ask.

"oh this, its nothing." he says turning to me, the white chakra then disappears as well as the arm. "sensei? whats that sharingan you have?" i ask. "this? this is the mongekyou sharingan." he says. my eyes widen, "you mean the same power as my father, and mother?" i ask. "yes." he says. "how did you get such power?" i ask. "you'll learn in do time, kevin, in do time." he says with a smile."

                                                                            a few weeks later...

we walk through the gates to the leaf village, exhausted by the long travel, but stronger than we were before. we are going to keep getting stronger. we got to the office of the hokage and got our payment, "so your mission was a success?" asks the hokage to sensei. "yes sir." sensei says. "very good, how did your students handle it?" he asks. "very well, we ran into some hidden grass village chunin and took them out." sensei continues. "thats very good." says the hokage. "you are all dismissed and may do what ever you like." the hokage says.

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