The Tournament

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i slowly open my eyes and emerge from my dreams. i sit up and swing my legs out from under the covers of the bed. "another day, where there are still a lot of mysteries." i whisper. i get up and get dressed. i then walk downstairs and see sensei waiting for me in my living room. "you ready?" he asks. i nod, we walk out into the pale morning light and walk to the shimura clan gates, we get to tadashi's house, then we hear some yelling inside, its his dad. i cant hear it all the way but i know they're arguing. i knock on the door. the door slides open and a man in his pajama's stands there, i look at his hand and see a liquor bottle.

"hi is tadashi here?" i ask. "tadashi. you pile of garbage, get out of here." he says, i clench my fist and throw a punch while he isn't looking but sensei grabs my hand and throws it back as soon as he turns back around, "he'll be right out." he says shutting the door. i turn to sensei and give him a face, he looks down at me and just shakes his head. then i see tadashi walk out of his house. we start to walk to the senju clan gates, we walk in and then two guards stop me and sensei, "no uchiha's allowed," one of them says smirking.

i turn to sensei with a confused look, he grabs my arm and whispers something in my ear. "the senju and the uchiha have hated each other for generations." he explains. i nod, we wait till tadashi comes back with mina and we head off to the training grounds, by the time we get there the sun is up. "alright today i was thinking on doing another training session." sensei says with a smile. "alright." tadashi says getting excited.

he then pulls out a piece of paper and reveals the contents. its a tournament bracket, a three way tournament bracket. i smile, we all do rock paper scissors, me and tadashi both got rock while mina had scissors. "mina your in the first round with one other." says sensei. me and tadashi both do it, i get paper, he gets rock. "alright then, its mina Vs. tadashi" says sensei.

they both stand on opposite sides of the battle field we marked, "begin!" yells sensei. mina starts by pulling out two kunai out of her pack, she then dashes to tadashi, tadashi quickly responds with pulling out 2 kinai and they begin to engage in knife fighting, they make sure they dont cut each other. 

the goal of the tournament was to get the kunai up to your opponents neck for 5 seconds or to knock your opponent out. tadashi and mina had tired each other out, at the end of the fight they both K.O'd each other. "well, thats unfortunate, i was hoping for one of them to win so that one could fight you." sensei says. after about a half hour tadashi jolts awake, "congrats tadashi, your the first to wake up so you win." sensei says. tadashi smiles and then gets up.

about five minutes after tadashi woke up, mina jolts awake. "alright, since you guys have had enough time to rest, kevin, tadashi, its your turn." sensei says. we both walk out onto the dirt patch of the training field. "begin!" sensei yells. i make the unison sign and so does tadashi. then he starts to run for me, he throws a punch and i duck, i then make a quick jab for his side, he jumps back and dodges the fierce attack.

he pulls out approximately 10 shuriken, i then force chakra into my eyes and then activate my sharingan. he throws all of them then makes a few hand signs and then i see the shuriken shadows become active shuriken and triple there number. 30 shuriken, i pull out ten and scan for an opening in the shuriken, just in case i make the tiger seal. then i throw the shuriken at the opening and jump i slip through the opening without any cuts.

i land on the ground and see tadashi right in front of me, he tries to kick me but my sharingan scans the situation and i think of three ways i can get out of this situation, either i put a genjutsu on him, (which im not even sure i can do), i grab the leg and lions barrage him into the ground, or i roll away, i quickly decide and decide to grab his leg, i push it into the ground and do a nice twirl as i repulse myself off of the ground, then i look into his eyes just in case, i see his pupil and i feel a little chakra disappear, so thats how it works i think.

i then start to feel gravity pull me down into the ground, i quickly then throw my leg at his head. he moves it back, i then twirl in mid air and punch him. he falls backwards a few feet. i land hard on the ground. i start to get up. i release the genjutsu and he's standing right in front of me, i then swing my legs at him and kick his own legs out from under him, i look at his eyes and then he realizes what just happened, then i quickly get up and then swing my leg and slam him into the ground with a large dropping kick.

the ground under him crumbles and he K.O's. i fall back and feel light headed. "kevin wins!" yells sensei. sensei goes out onto the battlefield and drags him away under a tree. "next match kevin vs. Mina." says sensei. mina walks out onto the battlefield. "battle begin!" sensei yells. mina pulls out a scroll. she whips it open and then bites her finger. i get alarmed by the amount of chakra shes using to do this jutsu. i get up and pull out a kinai, i start to run, but its too late. "summoning jutsu! under ground river!" she yells. then she starts to weave some hand signs.

then my sharingan scans the hand signs, i then have my arms move in the same unison with mina's. "this is incredible." i say. then we both say the same jutsu at the same time. "water style: water blast jutsu!" we both yell. we put our hands to our mouths and then i blow through it,  water comes splashing through the ground and fires at mina, the same goes for her, both our water blasts collide and explodes, water goes everywhere. i look over at mina and see her hand signs are being weaved. "Earth style: Mud Wall!" she says. then about 8 walls go around me.

its in the shape of an octagon. then she weaves the same hand signs from before. "water style: water blast jutsu!" she yells. the water blasts me into the wall, the pressure makes it hard to move, i then think of my air, not enough, i then quickly make my hands move, i start to weave hand signs: tiger, snake, tiger, bird, tiger, ram. "lightning style: lightning bolt!" i yell. then the electricity shocks through the water and hits mina. the flow of water stops pushing me against the wall. mina falls over and gets K.O'd. "kevin wins, again." says sensei.

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