1) College - Roommate

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College. Hoseok was really going to college, and he was excited.

He stood infront of the door to his dorm room, excited and nervous to meet whoever his roommate was. He slowly opened the door.

On one side of the room there a bunk bed with only the top bunk with a small desk and chair under it and that was about it, it was totally clean. On the other, however, was another bunk bed with only the top bunk, under that a desk with a computer, pretty big speakers, something that seemed to be used to make music and lot of other stuff, figures and trash. He figured, that his roommate was a music major, if the keyboard, that was also stuffed under the bed, said something. On the wall behind the computer were a few basketball posters. So, he liked basketball, huh. At the end of the of the bed was a small drawer with, was that a Kumamon plushie? What kind of guys was this? He would probably soon find out, because in the chair infront of the desk was a guy with an undercut, mint colored hair, a pretty handsome face with cat like features and three piercings in just one ear, looking at him half-pissed, half-curious.

Hoseok awkwardly waved at the guy, that seemed to be his roommate. "Hi, my name's Jung Hoseok, I'm your roommate," he said, somewhat nervous.

"Min Yoongi. Your bed's over there," the guy, Yoongi apparently, said, nodding towards the other bed. His voice was somewhat deep, husky and kind of.. lazy? He turned back to whatever, he was doing on his computer.

"That happened," Hoseok thought. He went over to what was apparently his bed and placed his suitcase there. He inspected, what seemed to be his side of the room, and found another small drawer, which seemed to be his. He checked the drawers of it, and they were empty. He moved his suitcase infront of the drawer and started moving the content into it. He hadn't packed more than clothes and toiletries.

Once he was done unpacking, he sat down in the chair by his desk. He looked towards Yoongi. He was wearing headphones, looking focused, his mouth hanging slightly open. He was gorgeous.

Hoseok couldn't help but wonder, what the mint haired man was doing, so he stood up and walked over, just close enough to see the screen. On the screen was what seemed to be a program to make music with. Was his roommate already making music? Hoseok supposed, that this was for himself and not an assignment, since the semester hadn't really started yet. They had about one week to get settled, get supplies and that stuff.

Hoseok found himself wondering, how old Yoongi was. Judging by the way, he had all of that set up, Hoseok supposed Yoongi had been here for at least a year before, and therefore was older than Hoseok, but how much? Looking at Yoongi, he couldn't really tell.

"What're you lookin' at?" Yoongi's voice snapped Hoseok back to reality. He might've been staring at Yoongi, just a little bit.

"Uhh.." He started but didn't know, what to say.

"Y'know sharing a room with someone is bad enough, having them stare at you, while you try to work is even worse," Yoongi said, glaring at Hoseok.

"Hehe, sorry," Hoseok apologized. "I was just curious." He added.

"I'd prefer, if you were curious on your side of the room."

Hoseok nervously laughed and stepped back to what might be considered as his side. Once he had done that, Yoongi turned back to the screen.

The semester hadn't really begun, but Hoseok already had a mission: Befriend Min Yoongi.

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