Chapter 26: The Flying Fish Riders

Start from the beginning

Luffy grinned, looking towards Caime. "Well! Anyway, Caime! Don't worry, we'll save the Takoyaki no matter what!"

I knew it. He was only saving this guy because of the food after. Luffy always thinks with his stomach first.

"You mean the Takoyaki seller." Pappagg muttered.

I snorted, "He always thinks with his stomach. Don't worry, as long as there is food, Luffy will save your friend."

"That's not very reassuring, Katsu." Usopp deadpanned.

Before I could respond to the cowardly sniper, I paused. My eyebrows pulled together in thought as I concentrated. There was a humming sound, and it wasn't coming from the ship. Walking towards the railing, I looked up towards the sky.

"Oi," I yelled, silencing the crew. "We got some company. I'm pretty sure it's the flying fish people." Extending my arm, I pointed at the sky. Immediately our fish friends started screaming.

Franky and Usopp ran towards me to get a better look. "Woah! The fish are flying!" Usopp screached,  "Flying fish! Can they really fly like that?!"

I wrinkled my nose raising an eyebrow at our crew's sniper. "Firstly, why do you think they're called the Flying Fish riders? Secondly, I'm positive you can see the fish flying. Why would you ask a stupid question?"

He turned to me, his teeth sharpening. "It was a rhetorical question!"

"A stupid one!" I growled back, my head snapping back to the fish riders as one swooped down. Quickly, I pulled my gun and shot. The rider swerved to avoid my shot and missed our ship thankfully.

"I want a closer look at those fish!" I grinned, my eyes sparkling in thought. "I haven't drawn anything like those before!"

Though before I could try anything, the two riders were gone. I frowned, staring up at the sky. Why would they retreat so fast?


There was no wonder in my mind as to how Caime could have been captures far too many times. The innocent Mermaid falls for traps too easily. Not to mention she's not the strongest, I wonder if she would even put up an actual fight.

"Why would they...-" I stopped with a sigh, resting my forehead on the railing. "Never mind."

Caime shrieked as we drew closer to the caged fishman. "Hacchin, you're all black! What happened? Did you get burned?!"

I looked up to see the fishman covered in some black ink. My nose wrinkled in confusion. "Why would they cover him in ink?" I muttered.

"No. No, this is... Don't worry about it! More importantly, this is a trap! You have to turn back. You know I'm strong, I'll be fine!" The fishman yelled, I could sense a slight tremor in his voice.

He was nervous. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. If he was truly as strong as he said, he shouldn't be nervous. Something wasn't right, but I don't know what yet.

"I've definitely heard that voice before, and that silhouette." Zoro grunted, looking towards our navigator. "Nami, what do you think?"

I glanced behind me to look at Nami. Immediately I could see a more stressed look upon her face. Perhaps I was about to find out what has been nagging our navigator. "There's something very suspicious about him." She muttered, her thumb resting on her bottom lip.

"Let's try this." Sanji blew out some smoke, cupping his hand around his mouth. "Oi! How's Arlong doing?"

"Nyuu?! Ahh! Arlong-san!" The fishman answered, "Him and Chuu and Kurobbi. They're all in prison. I'm the only one that escaped! And I've managed to open a Takoyaki shop like I've always wanted!"

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