Cold (Nagisa x Reader)

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Ever since, forever, you had been known as the emotionless kid.

The kid that as some would put it never smiled, or laughed or really did anything. You talked, just quietly and very monotone.

You'd heard ever rumor from you were a robot who couldn't feel anything to you were a spy from the government, but did they bother you? Hell no. You chose to act that way and quite honestly it wasn't anyone else's business.

You never really had "friends", just didn't see a point in them. If you needed someone to talk to, you had your siblings and if they weren't around you could just write or talk to inanimate objects. Saying it aloud seemed quite lonely, but it was the only way to prevent hurting yourself. You'd seen too many incidents of other people hurting their so called "friends".

Reading a book alone during recess, skipping lunch to just simply walk around aimlessly, avoiding classmates at all costs, this was how you spent your school days. You'd never known any other way and by the time you made it to high school there was definitely no chance of you changing. Coincidentally this was the time when you met Nagisa. Well correction, the first time you had spoke to him.

To Nagisa you were the one person that just wouldn't open up. Not only to him, but to anyone. Which was ultimately his reasoning for prying himself into your life. He was determined to change this so called "emotionless" person. After all, was it really possible for someone to never even feel emotions?

It started with small gestures such as him waving to you during class changes, or the occasional "hey" or "bye". You didn't notice it at first until he began walking with you to the bus stop, the uncomfortable silence that accompanied that was thick enough to slice through. You'd thought at first maybe he thought you were someone else, or more likely that he was being put up to doing those things. Then again, you didn't know anyone in particular who would put him up to such things.

The cheerful boy would start small talk with typical things like the weather, or various school events. The only response from you would be simple nods or one word answers, but that wasn't good enough for him.

One day during one of you both's silent walks to the bus stop, he suddenly perked up.

"oh, I almost forgot! Since it's a Friday and everything, me and some of my friends were going to go see that really cool looking new movie. You know the one about the shark and stuff? My friend has this sort of unhealthy obsession with water so I'm sort of just fueling him, but it did look pretty interesting. Anyways, I was wondering if you would want to join us?", once he'd finished rambling, his bright eyes turned to you questioningly.

You were caught off guard to say the least. No one ever really invited you places, so that wasn't a question you knew how to quite answer.

Once you had opened your mouth the boy beside you didn't give you any time to answer before happily telling you he'd pick you up at seven, his hidden agenda ever so present behind his charming voice.


So many questions flooded through your mind, it felt as if you'd been hit by a train. Perhaps the biggest one to you at least was why exactly of all the people he could have possibly invited, was it you? Maybe he was luring you there just to publicly humiliate you, but that didn't really seem like him. You could tell he was a sweet guy which was probably the only reason you hadn't began especially avoiding him as well.

The car ride wasn't long, however it felt like centuries of you just sitting there toying with the hair elastic around your wrist. You barely even knew how to hold a conversation with someone, much less start one. Nagisa didn't seem to mind however, though it seemed like nothing truthfully bothered him, he had a small smile tugging at the edge of his lips as he drove. It confused you that such a talkative person like himself was just as comfortable sitting in silence as he was talking someone's ear off.

You were completely dumbfounded when he quickly payed for your ticket while you were shuffling through your wallet.

"I was going to pay-", he cut off the sentence he knew you were going to say by pointing and asking if you wanted popcorn.

You didn't really know if that was a thing that friends did for each other, probably, so you just decided to let it go. If so, you would need to do the same for him, which meant having to spend more time with him of course. The rest of the night was a vastly new thing for you, really every aspect of it was. The shark movie was proving to be way more scary than you had anticipated, leaving you by the end with a near hole chewed into your lip and fingernail marks on your palms. You had half expected the bubbly boy to freak out at just the sight of the sea creature, but instead he just sat there adamantly shoving popcorn into his mouth.

By the time you finally returned home you were exhausted, and that was only result of interacting with one person. You had no clue how someone like him could keep up with so many friends.

You'd thought that his curiosity for you would fizzle out in a matter of weeks, yet the light haired boy kept pushing. Slowly over time you began letting down your guard, starting with longer more in depth conversations and eventually leading up to something as small as not being able to hold in the smile from forming on your lips.

Nearly a whole year later you'd finally agreed to come to one of Nagisa's swim meets. Every time he would ask you would come up with some excuse as to why you couldn't, but maybe that was the last push you needed to really change from who you used to be. Just the mere idea of being around that many people outside of a classroom or family type setting terrified you, however the minute you stepped onto the metal bleachers facing the large pool it didn't seem to matter anymore.

You cheered for your friend and his team and when it was finally over you had yelled and cheered more than you had, ever before. Nagisa could hardly wait to get to you he almost jumped over the gate separating the pool from everything else instead of just opening it.

"Y/n!" He exclaimed running into you practically full force. "You actually came!"

"You're still wet" you pointed out straight faced looking at him stood in front of you, however you couldn't help but laugh at his excited state.

"Oh yeah also I've been wondering," he started, now speaking casually as ever. "If you'd wanna y'know be my girlfriend?"











I rlly hope this was enjoyable man bc I had a fun time writing it. The plot was so cute ugh. Requests are still open and I am currently working on some already requested. Anyways thanks for reading! :)

- mo

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