Blush (Makoto x Reader)

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"Y/N- Chan!" Ren and Ran exclaimed as you walked into the Tachibana household.

You smiled and bent down to hug the children, listening to their excited sentences.

"Makoto was so excited to see you!" Ran smirked devilishly.

"ahh, I need to look good for Y/N! She's-" Ren's impersonation of Makoto was cut short as he busted into the room, blush clear on his cheeks.

He laughed nervously as he looked down at his younger siblings.

"Doesn't mom need you two in the kitchen?" Makoto said, his eye twitching slightly.

You giggled as the two children scurried out of the room, grins plastered onto their faces.

"A-ah, Y/N I'm sorry-"

You smiled at your embarrassed boyfriend and shook your head.

"Don't be" you wrapped your arms around his broad chest.

"Ahem" a voice cleared their throat from the other side of the room.

The two of you jumped, instantly separating.

"Sorry miss. Y/N" Mrs. Tachibana smiled happily from the doorway. "Dinner is ready"

You followed Makoto into their family dining room, taking a seat in between him and Ran.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Tachibana for inviting me to dinner" you nodded at the couple in front of you.

"You are always welcome" his mom spoke.

"We know Makoto enjoys you coming over as well" his father said, only adding to the boy's embarrassment.

You along with his family sat and enjoyed dinner, conversing as the night went on.

After dinner Makoto offered to walk you home, even though it was still daylight and your house was only a couple blocks away.

"It's alright, you don't have to" you tried to convince him from having to walk with you.

"I know I don't have to" he smiled as his green eyes sparkled "but I want to"

And with that, the two of you set off, walking hand in hand along the side walk.

As you both reached the house you smiled, looking over at your boyfriend. You wondered how you could earn the affection of such a sweet and loving person.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N" Makoto smiled before quickly pecking the crown of your head. As he turned to go home, you couldn't help but see a hint of blush appear on his cheeks.


Another update!

I feel like these are so rushed and bad, but I can't seem to think of any ideas!

I want to keep posting frequently for you guys, so hopefully I can think of some new scenarios soon.

Thanks for reading (:

- mo

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