#6// Upset

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You sniffled as a tear rolled down your cheek. You slowly sat down the book you were reading and grabbed a pillow trying to quiet your sobs. You were a sucker for deaths in books and TV shows/movies, especially when they were your favorite characters. Haru grumbled in his sleep hearing your quiet sobs before slowly sitting up and rubbing his sleepy eyes. It took him a moment to register what was happening.
"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked as you moved your head back up.
"F/c/n just died!" You exclaimed crying even harder.
*f/c/n = favorite character's name*
It was silent for a moment before Haru wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You wiped away your tears on his chest as you slowly began to fall back asleep in his embrace.


You were slowly awoken with the sound of muffled sobs.
"Huh?" You asked aloud as you sat up and turned over to see Makoto covering his eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Makoto" you murmured, shaking his upper arm. He slowly wiped away his tears and sniffled before looking down at the tear soaked bed sheets.
"What's wrong?" You asked/whispered. You had never really seen Makoto cry so this seemed like a real shock when you woke up to him sobbing.
"One of those sad cat commercials came on again!" He said and started crying again. You slowly cuddled close to him knowing how sad those commercials were and Makoto's soft heart and love for cats didn't help at all. You felt Makoto wrap his strong arms around you and slowly but surely, his tears died back down.


You and Rin sat on your couch bundled up in a blanket watching the season finale of your favorite show. Your favorite character had just died and you were trying your best to keep your emotions bottled up. Burying you head into Rin's chest, you sniffled as two tears slowly slid down your cheeks. He chuckled a little at how soft hearted you were and carefully slid his strong arms around your waist.
"Are you not sad?" You asked wiping away your tears before looking up at him. He shrugged,
"Eh, I really didn't like them" he said and smiled down at you.


You smiled happily as you walked into your house knowing Nagisa was already home from school.
"Hey Nagis-" you cut yourself off as you walked in to find Nagisa sobbing on the living room floor. You ran over, thinking he had injured himself.
"Nagisa!" You exclaimed and bent down to his level to see the tear soaked carpet.
"Oh h-hi y/n" he stuttered wiping away his tears and looking at you causally.
"Why are you crying?" You asked getting on your knees. You knew Nagisa would lie since he had a complex of being "tough" around you.
"Nothing" he mumbled pushing his face back into the carpet.
"Nagisa tell mee" you whined poking his side.
"The movie" he mumbled through the carpet. You looked up to see the same sad movie you had watched a few weeks earlier. You smiled before silently laying down beside him on the ground and snuggled close to his back.


You were laying happily on Rei's bed reading a book with him at your side. Suddenly you read the sad sentence and buried your face into the paperback, silent tears building up in your eyes. Rei didn't notice anything at first until he heard your soft cries and looked over.
"Y/n" he paused "are you alright". You nodded not moving your head out from the book. Rei had already read the book, so he knew why you were upset. He slowly shifted towards you and pulled you into his lap, you moving to lay your head on his chest.


You swung your feet back and forth in the small comfortable seat and popped a few pieces of warm popcorn into your mouth. Sousuke sat beside you, his big arm strung around your shoulders. You heard several gasps in the theater as one of the main characters was just killed off. It didn't really bother you as much since you didn't care about that character that much to begin with, but you knew Sousuke did. Looking over at him you thought you saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he stared ahead at the screen.
"You okay?" You asked, a small grin plastered on your face.
"Tch" Sousuke looked away "why would I be upset? It's just a movie anyways"


Kisumi stood up from his spot in the couch beside you.
"I'll go make some popcorn" he smiled before walking off. He returned to find you face down, crying into the couch. Little to his knowledge, a sad animal cruelty commercial had just aired and you were right there to watch.
"Y/n!" He said dropping the popcorn, the small pieces going everywhere. "Are you okay?".
"No!" You yelled snapping your head up "that commercial came on again" you sniffled and rubbed your mascara stained eyes.
"Oh" Kisumi murmered before pulling you close to him.
"Kisumi?" You said looking up at the pink haired boy.
"Yes" he smiled.
"Go make some more popcorn"


You were laid out on Momo's bed staring up at the ceiling half asleep. Momo laid on his chest, watching a sad movie you had gave him, on a laptop. You weren't really the emotional kind, so when you watched it and didn't get upset, you thought Momo would have no trouble either. Quietly but, getting louder and louder, Momo's sniffles filled the room. You sat up, rubbing one eye with your fist.
"Momo?" You asked looking over at the Orange haired boy.
"Oh!" He exclaimed quickly closing the laptop and turning away to wipe his eyes. "Your awake" he smiled. You nodded and turned your head to the side, studying his slightly red eyes.
"Were you crying?" You asked.


You pulled your dim phone up to your face as you laid in the bed beside Seijuro. You were already certain he was asleep, so reading a sad article would be fine. You yawned as your eyes glazed over the article before things took a turn for the worst. You covered your mouth with your hand as a few silent tears fell down your cheeks. You were mostly silent, but your shoulders shaking were just enough to awake Seijuro.
"Y/n" Seijuro's groggy voice mumbled sitting up, "are you crying?" He asked.
"No" you sniffled throwing down your phone. A small smile rose to his face before he wrapped his arms around you in a hug.


"Hey Nitori look what I got!" You smiled happily, holding up a bag of cookies, Nitori's favorite. When you saw him face down on the bed you immediately thought he was asleep, so you walked over to lay down beside him. He shifted but didn't move his face from the mattress.
"Oh your awake!" His sudden movement had startled you a little.
"No" Nitori's muffled voice said from underneath the pillow. You giggled and pushed him over, thinking he was just playing until you saw his tear stained cheeks.
"What's wrong?" You asked looking over at the sad looking boy.
"The movie you gave me was really sad" he sniffled pulling you in a hug. You thought for a moment before letting out a quiet giggle.
"Your so cute"

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